

4.5/551 評價
Unos apartamentos súper bien situados y muy nuevos. Los apartamentos están en un edificio renovado muy bonito justo en el centro a un paso de las plazas de las Tendillas y la Corredera. Los apartamentos están súper nuevos y amueblados con muchísimo gusto. Se accede con código que te dan al hacer el chekin en el hotel cercado de Eurostar Patios de Córdoba. En el hotel te tratan súper bien, es más cuando do salimos del apartamento olvidamos algo de ropa y nos llamaron enseguida para poder ir a recogerlo. Cuando acaba tu estancia puedes hacerlo todo online. No tiene parking pero al hacer la reserva te recomiendan algunos, nosotros lo dejamos en el parking la Ribera que está bastante cerca. La verdad que en Córdoba está todo cerca y se puede hacer andando. Cuando volamos repetiremos seguro porque nos ha encantado este espacio.
4.4/541 評價
3.5/536 評價
4.5/540 評價
Apartment looked great in the description and on arrival we found it to be clean, modern and a very good standard. The only comment would be why supply a tassimo coffee machine and be so mean as not to leave any pods? Very miserly. We booked the apartment primarily because of it’s excellent location across the bridge from the centre of Cordova and more importantly the basement parking(For Which we paid 13 euros per day extra ). We had hired a car and were travelling round Andalucia for 10 days, fully aware that parking had to be managed everywhere we stayed. We’d noticed on other reviews that this apartment was difficult to find. It certainly was and sat nav is useless in the area , because the streets are so narrow, so you just have to get out and walk. It sounds simple but it’s not. The whole area is super busy all the time. My husband stayed with the car and I found the street and apartment but it wasn’t easy. We also noticed on the description of the apartment on the website that someone would be there to greet us when we arrived. When I got to the entrance was locked and there was a notice attached informing new guests to call a number to gain entry. Our car was still not parked at this point. We’d driven all over around and around and there was no space anywhere and this was only 3pm. In the end we had no choice but to leave the car temporarily in a place which looked ok as there were no no parking signs as we had been instructed at this point to walk into the town to check in. The owners had blatantly lied in the description about having someone there to greet us. (Probably because other reviewers had complained about it.) We made our way to the hotel to check in as requested. The receptionist was professional, helpful and a really nice person. (We thought it was odd that she asked if we had a big car and we said no, it was only a VW Golf.) We went back to the apartment and got back into the car. To cut a long story short it would be extremely difficult and probably impossible for any car bigger than Fiat 500 to get through the entrance to car park. We’re both very experienced drivers but there’s simply not enough space to turn at the correct angle in the street as it’s so narrow. We gave up and drove around again but still no spaces even quite a distance away. Eventually, we parked it back where we’d left it previously as it seemed ok. We had a lovely evening in the town and came back at about 10pm. We Checked the car and everything was fine. We were up early the next morning looking forward to our day in cordoba. My husband nipped put to check on the car and it was gone. What a shock, no car. We thought it had been stolen so rushed out to the hotel for help. Silvia, the receptionist was calm, patient, professional and so helpful we can’t thank her enough. She phoned the car hire company to report it as stolen for us. They suggested contacting the Police. We waited until the police station opened at 9 am and they told us that it h
3.8/518 評價
4.3/538 評價
Excellent hotel , very gentle reception personnel especially the girl , very cooperative, great location in the heart of cordoba couple of minutes to reach the mosque catedral area, small rooms due to amount of money , breakfast is very simple , varieties are limited .



最高價格USD 479
最低價格USD 19
平均價格(平日)USD 85
平均價格(週末)USD 104


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對於希望旅程更輕鬆暢順的旅客,通過Cordoba Airport到達科爾多瓦是最好的辦法。另外也可以乘搭火車鐵路去科爾多瓦,慢慢地欣賞沿路景色,為旅程帶來獨特而難忘的體驗。


大清真寺,百花巷,古羅馬橋是到訪科爾多瓦的必到景點,不要忘記去看一看。喜歡逛街血拚的旅客到了科爾多瓦就要去Mercado Victoria,cashmere & silk,Costasol。


正在計劃到科爾多瓦的旅客,預訂酒店住宿時記得看看Trip.com 最新的旅遊優惠資訊。
