正在尋找Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory附近的酒店?不妨參考真實旅客的評價。


探索Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory附近的熱門酒店


4.8/559 評價


歷史中心 佛羅倫薩|距離Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory2.03km
可以用完美形容。 在佛羅倫薩三晚,2晚PORTRAIT,1晚特意去體驗四季,兩家酒店對比,給以下建議: 1)服務:先說服務,個人感覺,PORTRAIT服務更加親切和熱情。進門就有WELCOME DRINK,有啤酒和紅酒和其他飲料。有個俄羅斯來的門童小哥非常熱情,真的可以用賓至如歸來形容。CHECK IN是沒有酒店前台的,就是一個大客廳的樣子,客人坐沙發上,會有服務人員上前辦理手續。臨走,還會問是否要帶瓶裝水;四季,沒啥可以說不好,但是,很標準,很專業,但是,沒有溫度。 PORTRAIT勝出。 2)位置:四季比較偏離景點,但是也不遠,距離上不能說是弱項,酒店有花園,但是也不是很大,還好(參照上海的花園飯店這麼大小)。而且,主要,花園布置,沒有很特別。PORTRAIT在老橋邊上,最中心的位置,一切都方便。PORTRAIT勝出。 3)價格: 四季 7900多 35M2,不帶早; PORTRAIT 4500一晚/4900一晚,40M2,但是酒店都給我升等了,住了53的房型,含2早。PORTRAIT又勝出。 4)房間裝修:房間,四季是歐式的,還是中規中矩; PORTRAIT比較現代,還帶了一個簡易廚房櫃,可以自己熱東西吃。風格上個人是喜歡PORTRAIT。牀品2家都不錯。 5)四季,因為價格貴很多,心裏自然對他的要求會高。服務我打了4分,是因為,不特別,性價比不好。米其林一星的PALAGIO餐廳也嘗試了,也衹能說,還好,不驚喜,中規中矩。晚餐沒在PORTRAIT吃,酒店的人會很詢問你愛吃啥,也會給你推薦本地的好餐廳,並幫客人預定。 6)四季應該貴在很多附加?比如我看到還設了美髮的,估計SPA也蠻好的,但是沒使用,另外,四季有泳池,但是也不大,也沒開。PORTRAIT沒有泳池。 推薦PORTRAIT。以上希望對後來的人有參考。





4.3/556 評價


歷史中心 佛羅倫薩|距離Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory0.76km
When we were choosing hotel for few days stay in Florence after 2 weeks in Tuscany, Hotel Villa Betania was one of the few to choose from. We were driving so we needed parking that doesn’t cost a fortune, good location - not too far from the city Center, clean comfortable room. All looked well- good reviews, pictures and so on. According to pictures, but not in reality. The personnel was really nice- both at the reception and for breakfast. They were helpful when we complained about few things in the room and something was even fixed. The room- we got a room on the 3rd floor with no elevator and the stairs really narrow, we called it Quasimodo room, right under the roof. Size wise it was okay, clean, little fridge. Air condition- it was soo loud, that even earprops barely helped to sleep with it, and without i- up it was hot. We asked to fix it, but nothing was done… bathroom- there was mould on the walls…. The toilet was running all the time, which was also annoying in terms of sound. But the first morning it simply stopped working- no flushing. That was fixed later that day. All in all, room was bad, things were not working working properly. Location- it is a little far to the Center, 30 min walk. Note that the way back you need to up the hill- not so fun after long day. We were also told one could take a bus for half a way or so- didn’t try it. Close by there is nothing. For a pizza place you have to walk 10-15minutes if you want to stay close buy. Parking was free- definitely an advantage. Breakfast- good, Italian, but there were also yogurts, eggs, ham, cheese, bread and amazing fresh croissants. So definitely was good. All in all, I would not recommend it because the stay was not comfortable for us.
3.9/56 評價


歷史中心 佛羅倫薩|距離Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory1.09km
我們在貝爾維德別墅度過了一次極好的住宿。工作人員很友好,熱情,非常樂於助人。我特別要感謝巴布·辛格,他似乎一直在那裏。總是微笑,總是樂於助人,而且非常有禮貌。所有工作人員都非常出色。房間寬敞,在露台、泳池和遠處的佛羅倫薩都能看到非常棒的景色。我們甚至可以看到多莫的圓頂。到處都很乾淨,房間每天都提供良好的服務。就餐是小建議而不是批評。酒店早餐很棒,雖然沒有英式早餐,但可以吃燻肉和雞蛋。選擇更加歐式早餐是很棒的。酒店員工非常抱歉,堅持不經營餐廳,而是提供小吃。但是菜單與許多餐廳相比,食物也很棒。晚餐吃起來很輕鬆,價格便宜,有很好的開胃菜、主菜和沙漠,當然還有一些很好的葡萄酒。我們沒有利用白天提供的零食,所以我無法評論。不過總有一家....一英里內有幾個不錯的餐廳。“Trattoria da Ruggero”很棒。我建議通過酒店前台預訂。它也是最近的。除了“In Fabrica”之外,從他們所有人回來的步行距離都非常陡峭的山坡上。我們沒有去法布利卡,因爲它不是每天都開放,所以最好的檢查。有一些陡峭、尷尬和沒有燈的台階有一條小捷徑,沒有扶手。除了非常潮溼外,我們爬了好幾次。出租車回來需要10歐元以上。因此,除非你有車或步行困難,否則可能會很貴。當餐館似乎每天都滿座時,最好預訂。靠近山腳下環形交叉路口的安蒂卡比薩酒店(Pizzeria Antica Porta)將盡最大努力讓你融入其中,非常友好,物超所值,食物也很棒。酒吧很小,但庫存幾乎任何你想喝的飲料,而且大部分時間都可以喝。我肯定會再次入住那裏,但事先知道餐飲限制會計劃那天不一樣。我們在午餐時間和晚上在酒店餐廳吃了一頓大餐。除了有一天我覺得廚師突然離開。我沒有按照指示與接待處進行檢查,結果很失望。不是酒店工作人員的錯



正在搜尋Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory附近的酒店?比較房價和評價,找到您的理想酒店。
4.7/572 評價
這家酒店可以說是超級完美。但是美中不足的是由於我跟我朋友一起去的酒店,那個酒店前台可以說是直接忽略我,然後給我分配了一個最小最小的房間,這讓我不是很高興,畢竟酒店錢也不便宜。我朋友跟我定的同一個房型。I mean during the check in the entire time, the staff ignored me the entire time, I understand he knows I was with my friends, but I have my reservation separately, he should handle it by the order, and not just assigned me the smallest room just because I was a single person.I booked the exactly same type of room just like my friends, and their room is twice bigger than mine. And I can only eat breakfast in bed because there was no room to put it. That’s hilarious actually.
4.6/5101 評價
4.3/556 評價
When we were choosing hotel for few days stay in Florence after 2 weeks in Tuscany, Hotel Villa Betania was one of the few to choose from. We were driving so we needed parking that doesn’t cost a fortune, good location - not too far from the city Center, clean comfortable room. All looked well- good reviews, pictures and so on. According to pictures, but not in reality. The personnel was really nice- both at the reception and for breakfast. They were helpful when we complained about few things in the room and something was even fixed. The room- we got a room on the 3rd floor with no elevator and the stairs really narrow, we called it Quasimodo room, right under the roof. Size wise it was okay, clean, little fridge. Air condition- it was soo loud, that even earprops barely helped to sleep with it, and without i- up it was hot. We asked to fix it, but nothing was done… bathroom- there was mould on the walls…. The toilet was running all the time, which was also annoying in terms of sound. But the first morning it simply stopped working- no flushing. That was fixed later that day. All in all, room was bad, things were not working working properly. Location- it is a little far to the Center, 30 min walk. Note that the way back you need to up the hill- not so fun after long day. We were also told one could take a bus for half a way or so- didn’t try it. Close by there is nothing. For a pizza place you have to walk 10-15minutes if you want to stay close buy. Parking was free- definitely an advantage. Breakfast- good, Italian, but there were also yogurts, eggs, ham, cheese, bread and amazing fresh croissants. So definitely was good. All in all, I would not recommend it because the stay was not comfortable for us.
3.9/56 評價
我們在貝爾維德別墅度過了一次極好的住宿。工作人員很友好,熱情,非常樂於助人。我特別要感謝巴布·辛格,他似乎一直在那裏。總是微笑,總是樂於助人,而且非常有禮貌。所有工作人員都非常出色。房間寬敞,在露台、泳池和遠處的佛羅倫薩都能看到非常棒的景色。我們甚至可以看到多莫的圓頂。到處都很乾淨,房間每天都提供良好的服務。就餐是小建議而不是批評。酒店早餐很棒,雖然沒有英式早餐,但可以吃燻肉和雞蛋。選擇更加歐式早餐是很棒的。酒店員工非常抱歉,堅持不經營餐廳,而是提供小吃。但是菜單與許多餐廳相比,食物也很棒。晚餐吃起來很輕鬆,價格便宜,有很好的開胃菜、主菜和沙漠,當然還有一些很好的葡萄酒。我們沒有利用白天提供的零食,所以我無法評論。不過總有一家....一英里內有幾個不錯的餐廳。“Trattoria da Ruggero”很棒。我建議通過酒店前台預訂。它也是最近的。除了“In Fabrica”之外,從他們所有人回來的步行距離都非常陡峭的山坡上。我們沒有去法布利卡,因爲它不是每天都開放,所以最好的檢查。有一些陡峭、尷尬和沒有燈的台階有一條小捷徑,沒有扶手。除了非常潮溼外,我們爬了好幾次。出租車回來需要10歐元以上。因此,除非你有車或步行困難,否則可能會很貴。當餐館似乎每天都滿座時,最好預訂。靠近山腳下環形交叉路口的安蒂卡比薩酒店(Pizzeria Antica Porta)將盡最大努力讓你融入其中,非常友好,物超所值,食物也很棒。酒吧很小,但庫存幾乎任何你想喝的飲料,而且大部分時間都可以喝。我肯定會再次入住那裏,但事先知道餐飲限制會計劃那天不一樣。我們在午餐時間和晚上在酒店餐廳吃了一頓大餐。除了有一天我覺得廚師突然離開。我沒有按照指示與接待處進行檢查,結果很失望。不是酒店工作人員的錯
4.1/533 評價
se potessi mettere zero glielo metterei. impossbile contattarli telefonicamente. siamo stati accolti da un signore nella reception/ sala colazioni con un odore di fumo incredibile. colazione a pagamento e con prodotto confezionati di cui ovviamente non abbiamo usufruito. tutte le asciugamani e federe macchiate inaccettabile. freddo e umido la sera nella stanza. la cosa piu scandalosa il materasso... era come dormire su un'asse di legno (e io sono amante dei materassi duri). si salva la location ma comunque tutto da migliorare... iniziando dal buttare quell'amaca vecchia e sporca. non ci siamo
4/541 評價
First let me say the gentleman at the desk was nice at check in. However, when we got to the room, we immediately noticed a strong musky smell that was almost unbearable. Furniture was pushed into the corner, if you could call it furniture. It seemed this room was a storage room for old furniture until we arrived. Beds were extremely uncomfortable, but this isn’t the worst part. The bathroom had mold/mildew all in the shower. The room did not seem very clean. The air conditioner did not work. Good thing it was not mid summer or we would have had to stay in the car. The outlets would not work if you turned the lights out. Seems odd since the plug indicates power, just not enough unless the light is on. Seems like a fire hazard. I’m sure there are nicer rooms based on what others are saying, but this room certainly was not. Parking area was small but is to be expected in its location. We did get to see one driver repeatedly back into another persons vehicle trying to park. I would not recommend this place to anyone, ever. It is a half star rating at best.





在佛羅倫薩旅行太需要擔心住宿問題,因為這裡有超過1752家可以選擇。佛羅倫薩的酒店物美價廉,只需約1018 HKD就能在當地不錯的酒店住上一晚。佛羅倫薩有21家五星級酒店,平均每晚3493 HKD。佛羅倫薩有108家四星級酒店,平均每晚1320 HKD。佛羅倫薩有138家三星級酒店,平均每晚883 HKD。佛羅倫薩有62家二星級酒店,平均每晚677 HKD。作為著名的旅遊城市,佛羅倫薩入駐了許多為人熟悉的連鎖酒店品牌。希爾頓是去當地旅遊,遊客選擇最多的品牌之一。在佛羅倫薩,連鎖酒店如希爾頓是遊客們入住的熱門住宿。佛羅倫薩國家旅館(Hotel Delle Nazioni Florence)是佛羅倫薩中較具人氣的熱門酒店之一。當然,許多遊客也會選擇佛羅倫薩普魯斯酒店(Plus Florence)入住。

佛羅倫薩市區有不少出名的特色景點,例如:圣三一橋, 菲拉格慕博物館, 魯切拉宮。若想與家人度過一個愉快假期,可以到岡貝里亞莊園, 錫耶納老城區, 基安蒂一遊。其實到佛羅倫薩旅遊,最熱門的景點還有佛羅倫薩展覽中心, 共和廣場, 老橋。佛羅倫薩的商業氛圍比較濃厚,如果想購物您可以去Via de Tornabuoni, 菲拉格慕(佛羅倫薩Via dei Tornabuoni店), The Mall(佛羅倫薩店)。










