

3.9/517 評價
我已經爲我的妻子和兩個孩子預訂了2間客房...工作人員盡最大努力爲客戶提供可用的可能性。房間在某個時刻進行了翻新,但無法達到4星級標準。我去過意大利,歐洲和世界各地的許多地方。但這家酒店不值得擁有4星。最好的是在這裏擁有2星,讓他們朝着3星的方向努力。設備差的房間,基本簡約主義是一種恥辱。房間部分乾淨,剩餘的沙子/泥土,可能還有其他以前的房間客人物品。空調不起作用,記得把所有的門/窗戶都關好,然後它會運行併發出奇怪的噪音讓你下牀,但不會冷卻你。迷你吧冰箱已經填充,但不會冷卻含有的飲料,只會發出噪音。客房不帶眼鏡,供您飲用。酒店不提供免費瓶裝水。游泳池迫切需要清潔,以去除水位區域和水本身的污漬。游泳池沒有毛巾服務。游泳池的淋浴也不行(沒有水)。如果你開任何SUV或旅行車,你將無法停在他們停車場內,額外收費30.-/day。也許你很幸運,在酒店前面找到一個地方(+15歐元,-/天)。如果沒有,請沿着街道一側找到一個地方。自行車可供出租+€14。- /人&天。好的事情是,酒店步行即可到達海灘。最後,早餐;各種各樣的麪包,穀物,水果等。但不是在4-Star級別質量。享受您的入住....
3.6/516 評價
Per la terza volta abbiamo soggiornato in questa struttura e possiamo ribadire che tutto era perfetto: accoglienza, disponibilità, ristorazione, camera e pulizia. Sono stati dieci giorni bellissimi, apprezzando specialmente la gentilezza di tutto il personale, ben gestito dal dir. signor Paolo: ci ritorneremo sicuramente ! Da non dimenticare e sottovalutare la comodità di poter pranzare nel loro accogliente bagno (Marzia) , serviti dai mitici Michele, Tito e Rolando, sempre pronti a soddisfare qualsiasi richiesta, come pure il bagnino Daniele. Grazie e un saluto dal Ticino da Gabriella e Claudio
4.2/530 評價
e發現Negresco是一個相當迷人的地方,所以爲什麼只有2星。ITs都是關於期望與支出。酒店費用非常高(類似於4季酒店),所以我們期待4季的服務和住宿。我們的主人很好,但我的第一個驚喜是,當我進來時,他們告訴我我必須找到街道停車場,因爲他們沒有停車位。這是一家2星級酒店可以預期的事情,但當花費這麼多時 - 作爲歡迎是完全不能接受的。他們也從未問我是否想在我預訂酒店時預訂一個位置。我經常與酒店聯繫預訂等,他們從來沒有提到過停車。甚至汽車旅館也提供停車 那天晚上,我在其他客人面前被工作人員大喊大叫,因爲我們把客房服務放在我的房間外面。通常客房服務留在酒店門外,所以我不確定我做了什麼錯事。我們不僅尷尬,我們震驚了。我遇到的另一個問題是沒有互聯網接入。比我的航班互聯網更糟。當我抱怨時,我被告知非常冷淡。這不是我們-必須使用很多..這對我來說再次是不能接受的。你沒有正確設置互聯網不是我的問題。根本沒有試圖糾正這個問題。酒店的位置也很吵,因爲晚上外面可以聽到很多汽車等。房間本身很舊,很陳舊,空調很難使用。
4/513 評價
3.9/527 評價
During our two-night stay which started out pleasantly, on the first night my adult son reserved a used beach cruiser bike the hotel offers guests. The bike was unfortunately stolen. (He locked it in a proper bike rack) When we reported the theft to the hotel owner, we were treated with a lack of respect or empathy as hotel guests but rather as criminals and not a victim of crime. We promptly contacted the US Consulate who encouraged us to ask the hotel to file a report with the local police. We asked for the owner’s assistance and he said no. And, before offering any additional inquiry promptly demanded payment for the bike. He said he would contact the bike shop for documentation with the date and amount he paid for it but that never materialized. We asked about the hotel insurance policy which he claimed did not cover the bike. He did say the bike was used and thought he paid $280 about 18 months prior…(Note: we noticed the bikes were left outdoors, not in an indoor storage facility.) Following the advice from the US Consulate, we went on our own to the local police station and filed a statement. They suggested we provide the report to the hotel owner which he reluctantly accepted. At the end of the day, the paperwork had still not arrived and the owner became very belligerent and berated us for not agreeing on a payment even though we offered the 1/3 which we thought was reasonable for a used bike and without seeing any documentation. We had an early morning train the next day and requested to check out that evening but he would not let us without restitution on the bike! (Note: again the paperwork he said he’d have was never provided.) Following his hostile verbal demeanor, we called the police to ask them to help us get permission to checkout. An hour later the police said everything was taken care of. At the checkout that night (with a hotel employee, not the owner) we paid our bill and noticed a “service charge” of $140. We were told this was for the bike payment. This was half of the original “alleged” price as the documentation was not provided. We paid this just to get the unpleasant experience behind us. For context, I am a veteran traveler to Italy of more than 35 years having traveled for both work and pleasure. Presently I am a part-time tour operator organizing tours to Italy and have traveled as a guest with the Italian Government Tourist Agency/ENIT. I have stayed in luxury hotels and in simple agriturismos and have never experienced a lack absence of customer service on this level!
Villa Torri
0/51 評價



最高價格GBP 1,964
最低價格GBP 82
平均價格(平日)GBP 451
平均價格(週末)GBP 580


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Info Point Comune di Forte dei Marmi,Pontile Medaglie d'Oro,Bagno Alaide是馬爾米堡盧卡市中心人氣頗佳的旅遊熱點,有空可以到這些地方逛一逛。卡塞蒂*寶格麗,卡塞蒂(福爾泰德伊馬爾米店)在馬爾米堡盧卡是熱鬧的購物點,有時間一定要去看下。


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