入住Crowne Plaza Hong Kong Kowloon East, an IHG Hotel,盡享完善的酒店服務
香港九龍東皇冠假日酒店貴為洲際酒店集團旗下酒店,是商務或休閑貴客的不二之選。傲踞港鐵將軍澳站及大型商場PopCorn上蓋,並緊接多個大型購物熱點及海濱長廊,消閑娛樂舉步之遙。特設免費穿梭巴士迅達高鐵西九龍站、港鐵九龍站及尖沙咀,暢達各方。標準客房在整個九龍東地區最為寬敞,客房面積均為36平方米或以上,並採用落地玻璃設計,俯瞰遼闊綠野及市景。設有室外園林游泳池及水力按摩池、24小時健身室或星級 SPA,盡享城中渡假體驗。
由飯店前往香港會議展覽中心及中環商業核心區衹需約15-20分鐘車程,港鐵三站直達港島東、四站迅達九龍東商業核心區,前往銅鑼灣衹需20分鐘,距離香港國際機場或港珠澳口岸約40 分鐘車程。所有客房和套房均配備高速 WiFi 、40’LED 電視、保險箱和熨燙設備。衞浴內附獨立浴缸及獨立淋浴間。宴會場地擁有全香港較大的無柱宴會廳之一,可容納多達1,500人以上。
Crowne Plaza Hong Kong Kowloon East is a high-quality hotel offering an exceptional stay experience. The hotel boasts a prime location, conveniently located next to the MTR station, with easy access to transportation, as well as numerous shopping and dining options in the surrounding area. The guest rooms are spacious, bright, and modern in design, featuring exceptionally comfortable beds that guarantee a good night’s sleep. The cleanliness of the hotel is commendable, with meticulous attention to detail. Communication in English poses no issues at all.
The service is outstanding, with staff being highly professional and welcoming, always ready to provide thoughtful assistance to guests. The front desk and concierge services are particularly efficient and friendly, making guests feel truly valued. The breakfast at the hotel restaurant is diverse and delicious, with fresh ingredients and an impressive selection that leaves a lasting impression.
香港銅鑼灣皇悦酒店(Empire Hotel Hong Kong · Causeway Bay)位於銅鑼灣永興街,距離港鐵站步行約10分鐘,交通便捷,坐擁旺中帶靜的優越地段。香港銅鑼灣皇悦酒店(Empire Hotel Hong Kong · Causeway Bay)由日籍室內設計師 Koichiro Ikebuchi精心打造,設計簡約、盡顯雅緻。客房均配有迷你酒吧、寬頻上網、幹發器、全棉寢具、保險箱;浴室內特有蓮蓬式花灑,令沐浴培添情趣及新意。
毗連九龍尖沙咀皇悦酒店,鄰近港鐵尖沙咀站及彌敦道,附近有大型購物商場及各式食肆。酒店設有90間客房,位處於交通便利的優越地段配置時尚的設備,具備了精品酒店的獨有魅力。專業友善的酒店團隊讓住客咫尺間盡享舒適閑致及超值的酒店住宿服務,令旅途更寫意自在。Hotel is next to the Empire Hotel Tsimshatsui, surrounded with the updated shopping malls and gourmet restaurants. Close to the MTR Tsimshatsui station and the Nathan Road. Between its easy-to-reach location and modern amenities. Empire Prestige Tsim Sha Tsui embodies all the sophistication of a boutique hotel. Our serving staff at the Empire Prestige take pride in being able to embrace every element of service excellence with great value of money!
We stayed for a short staycation back in late April. Whilst we had a nice room and view, we just felt the place was a little tired. We had heard that they will be going through a renovation but we now know that they were planning to close down (as they are now closed). Perpahs this was the reason things were a little 'off'. I hope that whenever the reopen (if they do) that they make the most of the wonderful location. It really deserves to be a top hotel...
香港灣仔皇悦酒店(Empire Hotel Hong Kong-Wan Chai)位於灣仔市商業中心,鄰近會議展覽中心、演藝學院、金鐘太古廣場等地;步行五分鐘可達灣仔地鐵站,位置優越,集商務與購物之便。香港灣仔皇悦酒店(Empire Hotel Hong Kong-Wan Chai)擁有各式舒適客房,設有室外泳池、健身中心等配套設施;為賓客營造了環境一流、設備齊全的優質居所。
香港帝逸酒店 (ALVA HOTEL BY ROYAL) 位處香港活力文化社區— 沙田,毗鄰知名地標城門河。 酒店提供非吸煙客房。 酒店位置便利,距離尖沙咀、中環及香港國際機場僅需30至40分鐘車程。 酒店提供以客為本的先進科技及創新餐飲選擇,配合輕奢華的時尚生活和酒店款待概念,讓賓客輕鬆探尋獨特的城市脈搏。 為減少一次性塑膠瓶,酒店每一樓層均設配備NSF 42 及53國際驗證檢測過濾程式及監察系統的Well井智慧添水站。 您可利用客房內的專用水瓶,隨時免費飲用潔凈的飲用水。
這是我第六次入住這酒店。它位置好,行10到兩個不同火車站。門口就是機場Bus. 這次入住因航班早到,1點到,通常3點才可以check in. 前台美女小姐馬上為我們查詢是否有空房,最後成功升級我們到公寓套房。這是一大驚喜!非常開心!這已經是第二次升級,上一次升級到貴賓大房,次次有驚喜。下次回港也一定是Alva by Royal! 還有,那天剛好掛3號台風,下雨。行李都濕了。門口的帥哥馬上把行李全部抹乾。超贊!