查看Su Pan評分最高的4星酒店,為您提供最舒適方便的旅行體驗

查看Su Pan酒店的住客評價

4.8/530 評價
2024 年 3 月,我們在 Sapa Farmstay 拜訪了 lang 和她甜蜜的家人。最美麗的景色是山和田野。泳池區很棒!食物是如此美味,每天晚上和家人共進晚餐真是太甜蜜了!我們直接從薩帕農場安排了當地導遊的徒步旅行,我們和蘭一起進行了最令人驚嘆的徒步旅行,他講述了有關競技場、文化和發展的有趣故事和事實。我們帶著兩個孩子一起旅行,一個 6 歲,一個 9 歲,他們喜歡遠足。如果與孩子一起徒步旅行,請告知導遊,儘管他們的程度/程度如何,但徒步旅行可能會非常陡/滑且具有挑戰性。我們的喜歡它!我強烈推薦薩帕農場寄宿給所有來薩帕旅遊的人——絕對是最好的體驗!
4.6/53 評價
工作人員都非常熱情和友善。旅館很乾淨,有一個木製的浴室,可以放鬆身心。 適合想要融入大自然的人。我參加了一次徒步旅行,還去了一個少數民族週日市場。每個約30美元 這是學位。 如果您的地址在市內,計程車費用會很高。 醋。 215,000 至 250,000。
4.5/516 評價
The staff, the service, the staff is Amazing, amazing and Amazing! (Chili, Su, Huchi and the lovely ladies who prepared our means) Absolutely a great hotel with amazing staff who speak good English, they are very kind and helpful with any of your requests. The hotel is situated 20mins away from sapa town and it wasn’t a disadvantage at all. The place is so beautiful, I love the nature, beautiful garden with flowers, lots of butterflies and you’ll also see chickens and ducks.. it’s so peaceful to listen to the sound of nature, the fresh air .. we took a motorbike for the days we wanted to travel around and it was provided by the hotel. The motorbike ride was so convenient. The hotel has great food, have a mix of western cuisines and Vietnamese cuisine and their kitchen opeaters from 7.30am till 9.30pm. All their food is fresh, even the juices! You should try their coconut coffee, cinnamon tea, ginger tea and lemon grass tea!! We also had bbq and it was so good! We tried the massage, herbal bath, sauna too and it was blissful! We also got a guide from the hotel that took us along a beautiful trek! This was a complete experience of the best ACCOMMODATION! we will surely come again!




在Su Pan選擇4星級酒店的貼士

如果你還在煩惱去S? Pan要訂什麼四星級酒店,Trip.com 一站式網上旅遊平台會是您的最佳選擇。旅行前要做足準備工作,應該要事先規劃好要參觀的S? Pan景點再選擇適合的酒店。

要到S? Pan的旅客不能以直飛達目的地,必須乘搭航空交通工具的話只能從鄰近城市降落再轉乘其他交通工具。通常來S? Pan的話都會坐汽車,因為這裡沒有飛機及火車供旅客使用。

TT. Sa Pa距離S? Pan最近,只有11.98公里。S? Pan跟河內相隔243.81公里。從S? Pan到寧平為311.25公里。

要找完美住宿地點一定不能懶,快看看旅客對S? Pan酒店的評價了解更多。
