





4.5/568 評價


The Alphotel Innsbruck is probably the worst hotel we've ever stayed at! But we had no choice since we were on a tour package and this was the hotel that Gate1 chose for our itinerary. We weren't the only tour members who did not have a good stay at this hotel. Our tour group had a long day and we were scheduled to arrive late so we were all pretty tired when we arrived. Unfortunately the room we were assigned to didn't even look or feel exceptionally clean and I'm surprised I didn't take photos of the room! Comparing posted photos of the rooms on TA our room looked much older and didn't even have a real chair, but only one of those small round ottomans. And that ottoman was dirty and stained, so we didn't want to sit on that! The bedspread had that ”ick” factor, so we removed it but at least the sheets were clean. Carpet looked grungy so we made sure to wear our slippers and not walk barefoot on it. Regret not taking pictures of the room now. We've stayed at hotels with older or ”tired” decor but they were at least neat and clean, but not at this hotel! Now the ”fun” part was our bathroom door. I was getting ready to take a shower and went into the bathroom, but wanted to use my own soap and toiletries, so I went out of the bathroom and my husband (who was standing in front of the bathroom, looking at the closet or something right across from the bathroom) shut the opaque glass bathroom door. I went back to the bathroom and tried to open the door and it was locked! It was one of those simple privacy type locks where there's usually a pinhole that you can usually press and it'll pop open. Unfortunately, there was no pinhole but a screw so I tried twisting the screw but the door remained locked. Husband tried but it kept turning and he didn't have any tools so he called the front desk and they sent the maintenance guy up. The maintenance guy looked at the door and tried twisting the screw with the same results and said he needed to go get his tools. He returned with his small toolbox and tried several screwdrivers, with no luck. Then he tried using a small drill to remove the screw and still couldn't get the door unlocked. Meanwhile, we were sitting on the bed and watching tv since there was nothing else we could do. I texted our friends who were also traveling in the tour group and assigned to the room right next door to let them know what was happening. And to apologize to them for the loud racket, as the maintenance guy went and got his large power drill and was basically removing the entire door knob and panel. So the guy had to destroy the whole door knob panel because the door lock screw or nut inside the panel was probably stripped and couldn't unlock or open the door; so if I was on the other side of the door I would have been stuck in the bathroom! Other hotel guests across the hall were opening their doors to find out what the loud racket and noises and disturbance was. This whole problem took the poor m
4.3/579 評價


The hotel is beautiful, in a very good position, central but quiet with a public parking going directly to the hall and the rooms are super clean, the breakfast is good and with a lot of choice...so why only 3/5? Because the staff at the reception is completely useless and the wellness area had very restricted hours (from 5 to 9 p. m. only), they wrote due to the cost of energy, but if this is the reason, why the heating in the rooms was always so high? We had to turn it off and open the window during the day to breath, it should have been around 24-25 °C. If they kept it lower they could open the wellness area for more time, especially because there were a lot of people (60 rooms most or them booked) and it was difficult to use a 8 people jacuzzi and around 20 deck chairs if everybody go there at the same time. The problem with the reception staff totally useless happend twice: in the wellness area you shouldn't drink or eat (it's logical but I asked to be sure), I said there was a group of teenagers with beers and bottles in general (glass) but nobody came to check and say somehing: bringing glass near a swimming pool could be very dangerous if a bottle fall, but nobody cared. The other episode was with the restaurant: we asked at the reception for a reservation in any night of our stay (5 nights), but they say to ask directly to the restaurant without caring at all at our request. At the restaurant they were very rude and said they were fully booked any day any time without even checking, fortunately just around the corner there was another very good one and we went there twice, but usually if in the hotel there is a restaurant, the staff is much more helpful and there is always the possibility to try it if you are a guest of the hotel.



4.3/5103 評價


La posizione è indubbiamente molto comoda al centro della città, si può parcheggiare a pagamento sulle strisce blu della zona oppure nel parcheggio sotterraneo del supermercato adiacente. La hall è grande e ci sono delle poltrone ed un TV a disposizione in attesa delle camere. Eravamo un gruppo di persone che avevano prenotato stanze singole, doppie e famigliari, concordando i prezzi prima del nostro arrivo, quindi capisco che fare le registrazioni per tutti coloro che sono arrivati quasi insieme il sabato mattina (qualcuno era arrivato il giorno prima) può essere farraginoso, però erano in due addetti alla Reception e non si andava avanti. Finalmente ci siamo fatti dare tutti il modulo da compilare e mentre andavano avanti con le singole registrazioni li abbiamo riconsegnati in pochi minuti. Le stanze per molti di noi non erano pronte (corretto, visto che devono essere a disposizione dalle ore 14,00) quindi abbiamo chiesto di lasciare i bagagli e siamo andati a pranzo e lì è partita un’altra vicenda surreale. Invece di prendere i talloncini per tutti i bagagli (circa una quindicina) ce li hanno consegnati uno alla volta dopo che, ancora uno alla volta, li hanno portati in una stanza off limits per noi. Una perdita di tempo infinita. Tutto con la massima gentilezza ed educazione. Parliamo delle stanze. Sono belle, luminose e grandi (poi su questo ne riparliamo), e grazie agli infissi di ultima generazione sono anche silenziose. Un fatto importante perché lì davanti il traffico è notevole la sera. La pulizia è esemplare, anche se la mattina della domenica, verso le 9, quando siamo usciti dalle stanze le signore delle pulizie avevano messo a terra davanti alle stanze che venivano lasciate uno strofinaccio a significare, immagino, che erano quelle dove cambiare tutta la biancheria. Insomma, non è bella da vedere questa distesa di strofinacci in un hotel a 4 stelle che vorrebbe essere elegante, sembra più la Pensione Mariuccia a Rimini. La colazione è abbondante per il salato, un po’ più ridotta per il dolce, ma davvero non manca nulla. Non capisco però come sia possibile che i filoni di pane siano a disposizione dei clienti senza l’avvertenza di usare un panno o dei guanti per prenderli e tagliare ognuno le fette: decisamente antigienico (poi siamo appena usciti dal Covid…). Però tutto quanto sopra è in effetti solo un suggerimento per migliorare un livello di servizio alto, ma con qualche sbavatura. La cosa davvero grave e che proprio non mi è piaciuta è stato il check-out che, prima che essere estremamente lento (un solo addetto inizialmente nonostante la lunga fila di clienti che se ne andavano dopo la colazione) è stato fatto applicando un prezzo superiore a quello concordato al momento della prenotazione. Alle mie rimostranze l’addetto si è giustificato affermando che la stanza che mi avevano assegnato era più grande della standard, ma io non l’avevo mai chiesta! È accaduto anche ad altre persone del nostro gruppo ed abbiamo chiesto di parlare



4.6/5111 評價


復活節和朋友一起來玩,在攜程和***********上對比過很多家酒店後,最後出於價格考慮選擇的Nala獨立酒店。本來沒抱太大期望,覺得湊合可以住就行,因為衹計劃停留兩晚,而復活節期間價格普遍都很貴。然而最後入住了感覺物超所值,非常滿意! 酒店整體是屬於那種禪、冥想、休養風格,一進房間就可以聞到讓人放鬆的薰香;房間裝修新穎獨特,相比傳統酒店房間佈局較為緊湊,獨特的設計卻使其不失優雅。最愛的是房間裏的咖啡機和基本無限量供應的咖啡膠囊(衹需找前台或者清潔阿姨要就行),還有一樓獨有的露台~ 酒店工作人員十分友好熱情,尤其是疫情兩年多都沒怎麼見中國遊客了,當地旅遊業也受到沖擊,今天又看到了中國顧客酒店十分開心哈哈。前台還樂於提供關於因斯布魯克值得一去的餐廳、景點的介紹訊息以及給予指路~ 在退房時前台還送了我們兩塊Tirol當地的巧克力作為復活節禮物! (需要補充一下,攜程上寫要求10:30前退房,但其實都是酒店標準11:00前退房,如需要也可以延遲到11:30) 酒店地點基本位於因斯布魯克老城的中心位置。在我們三天的短旅程中,去各種景點都是步行(當然除了如果你想上山或去機場) 總之,體驗超出預期,下次再來Innsbruck我依然會優先考慮選擇Nala酒店。



4.2/542 評價


最後評分7,5-10: RATIO QUALITY/PRICE 8-10: 我想推薦一下這家酒店: 是 酒店結構: 清潔度:8/10 員工: 非常親切,禮貌,可選 Check in and check out:花了5分鐘填寫格式,快速檢查,抵達後第二天提供發票 大廳:乾淨,相當小 酒店位置:距離因斯布魯克HBF 2公里,步行約30分鐘。超級市場附近的酒店:沒有檢查它 房間評價 房間大小:標準房14 sm 清潔度:這是我給酒店評分的關鍵話題。房間和浴室很乾淨,有肥皂可用。牀:雙人單人牀,以獲得特大號牀,平均舒適度。枕頭:只有軟枕頭,不舒服。浴室:乾淨,淋浴很好。拖鞋:不提供浴袍:不提供肥皂/化妝品:提供吹風機:不提供不愉快的氣味:我沒有聞到任何氣味。隔音:一般WIFI:房間內以及酒店內免費。連接速度很慢,相當穩定。我沒有任何問題連接我的所有設備。電視:大平板電視還帶國際頻道空調/加熱系統:不明白空調是如何工作的,溫度不是100%舒適。衣櫃:開放,夠2-3日遊。迷你吧:不可用。鑰匙/卡:鑰匙卡工作得很好,打開門沒問題,甚至保持相同的口袋移動設施我的興趣停車:酒店確實提供這項服務,但我沒有使用它。班車到機場服務:酒店不提供此服務。健身房/SPA:不提供。早餐:早上6:30至9:30,產品種類不多,但基本早餐必需品都存在,質量很好。我會給3星級酒店打分7/10。綠色目標:沒有檢測到新冠肺炎程序:辦公桌保護屏幕。問題和服務:沒什麼特別要報告的。
4.4/568 評價


我真的不知道從哪裏開始我對這家令人驚歎的酒店的評論。我們在12月住了5晚,希望體驗聖誕市場和一些雪。天氣對我們不好,但這並沒有破壞我們的旅行。酒店離主火車站步行不遠,是結束我們旅程的歡迎景點。入住簡單快捷。酒店接待很美。典型的泰羅爾感覺。我們的房間很棒。就在一樓,我們帶着行李乘坐方便的電梯。這是一個寬敞的裝飾精美的房間,有空調和一個可愛的大窗戶,我們更喜歡打開一點新鮮空氣 - 即使外面很冷!浴室很棒-巨大的淋浴,非常現代。總而言之,我們需要的一切-包括茶和咖啡製作設施。早餐在我們的預訂中包含。說實話,這是我們在歐洲吃過的最可愛的早餐之一。冷熱食物,熱飲料和令人驚歎的新鮮橙汁機的絕佳選擇。我們本來可以整天呆在早餐廳。服務真的很快,所有工作人員真的很細心,食物很好吃。總而言之,這家酒店太棒了。管理良好,維護良好,它有“家庭經營”的感覺,這在周圍的大多數大型酒店中都消失了。我們會毫不猶豫地再次入住這裏。我們很抱歉離開。謝謝萊比錫霍夫酒店。一位工作人員站出來對我們,使我們的住宿真的很特別。瓦吉,在我們大部分住宿在早餐廳時都值班,讓我們感覺真的很特別。她的服務太棒了,她是如此細心,禮貌和專業。我們最喜歡的工作人員。她使我們的住宿完成。所以特別感謝她。





4.3/579 評價


The hotel is beautiful, in a very good position, central but quiet with a public parking going directly to the hall and the rooms are super clean, the breakfast is good and with a lot of choice...so why only 3/5? Because the staff at the reception is completely useless and the wellness area had very restricted hours (from 5 to 9 p. m. only), they wrote due to the cost of energy, but if this is the reason, why the heating in the rooms was always so high? We had to turn it off and open the window during the day to breath, it should have been around 24-25 °C. If they kept it lower they could open the wellness area for more time, especially because there were a lot of people (60 rooms most or them booked) and it was difficult to use a 8 people jacuzzi and around 20 deck chairs if everybody go there at the same time. The problem with the reception staff totally useless happend twice: in the wellness area you shouldn't drink or eat (it's logical but I asked to be sure), I said there was a group of teenagers with beers and bottles in general (glass) but nobody came to check and say somehing: bringing glass near a swimming pool could be very dangerous if a bottle fall, but nobody cared. The other episode was with the restaurant: we asked at the reception for a reservation in any night of our stay (5 nights), but they say to ask directly to the restaurant without caring at all at our request. At the restaurant they were very rude and said they were fully booked any day any time without even checking, fortunately just around the corner there was another very good one and we went there twice, but usually if in the hotel there is a restaurant, the staff is much more helpful and there is always the possibility to try it if you are a guest of the hotel.



4.2/521 評價


We are a family of 4 with 2 adults and 2 kids traveling from the USA around Europe. We stayed at the Kaiser Max Apartments at Innsbruck in July. We rented a room after looking at the pictures provided by the hotel to all the booking websites. In ALL the pictures the rooms have several large windows and appeared to have very good air flow. The description was an apartment with two beds. Plus sofa, bathroom and kitchen. At our arrival to the location we were placed in the apartment on the attic on fifth floor. Right under the roof. There were no regular windows at all! There is just a little hole ( tiny window) in front and nothing at all on the second room. No ventilation at all. No air flow at all. Complete hot suffocation during the summer time. This should be ilegal. Because it is summer time the whole unit was an oven inside due to the lack of regular windows. Hard to breathe, just like an oven/ sauna. We requested to be moved to another room and the manager told us he could not accommodate our request. He also did not offer us a portable air conditioner. The fans he offered were not enough because the hot air had no place to leave the room and we were on the fifth floor directly under the roof. The second room was tiny and had absolutely zero air flow. Just a little warm hole with a mattress. Our kids toasted there! We could not stay in the room during the day because it felt like 40-45 degrees C. During the night was not any better because there were no regular windows. The hot air is trapped there. No one in my family was able to sleep for two nights. The pictures were false, false advertising showing many windows everywhere. You may be their next victim to get stuck inside of their attic like a hot prison. BE AWARE!!! This experience destroyed our Austrian trip. We were tired and grumpy the whole time. Communication with the property manager was difficult. He seems to have an answer and a plan for everything. Nothing is never their fault. He blames the costumers for everything. Please read the other bad reviews online. Many other tourists got stuck inside of this hot attic!!! It should be illegal to rent rooms without airflow and regular windows to tourists during the summer. Please look at the online pictures advertising the rooms and visit the apartment on the attic during the summer and you will understand that renting that place to tourists and their families is pure torture and gross negligence. It is an abuse! Please do not be their next victim!



4.2/521 評價


We are a family of 4 with 2 adults and 2 kids traveling from the USA around Europe. We stayed at the Kaiser Max Apartments at Innsbruck in July. We rented a room after looking at the pictures provided by the hotel to all the booking websites. In ALL the pictures the rooms have several large windows and appeared to have very good air flow. The description was an apartment with two beds. Plus sofa, bathroom and kitchen. At our arrival to the location we were placed in the apartment on the attic on fifth floor. Right under the roof. There were no regular windows at all! There is just a little hole ( tiny window) in front and nothing at all on the second room. No ventilation at all. No air flow at all. Complete hot suffocation during the summer time. This should be ilegal. Because it is summer time the whole unit was an oven inside due to the lack of regular windows. Hard to breathe, just like an oven/ sauna. We requested to be moved to another room and the manager told us he could not accommodate our request. He also did not offer us a portable air conditioner. The fans he offered were not enough because the hot air had no place to leave the room and we were on the fifth floor directly under the roof. The second room was tiny and had absolutely zero air flow. Just a little warm hole with a mattress. Our kids toasted there! We could not stay in the room during the day because it felt like 40-45 degrees C. During the night was not any better because there were no regular windows. The hot air is trapped there. No one in my family was able to sleep for two nights. The pictures were false, false advertising showing many windows everywhere. You may be their next victim to get stuck inside of their attic like a hot prison. BE AWARE!!! This experience destroyed our Austrian trip. We were tired and grumpy the whole time. Communication with the property manager was difficult. He seems to have an answer and a plan for everything. Nothing is never their fault. He blames the costumers for everything. Please read the other bad reviews online. Many other tourists got stuck inside of this hot attic!!! It should be illegal to rent rooms without airflow and regular windows to tourists during the summer. Please look at the online pictures advertising the rooms and visit the apartment on the attic during the summer and you will understand that renting that place to tourists and their families is pure torture and gross negligence. It is an abuse! Please do not be their next victim!


Innsbruck Hbf

4.3/553 評價


因斯布魯克|距離Innsbruck Hbf0.26km
We enjoyed our stay at this hotel. It is in a convenient location for getting around - next to the train and bus station for links to the airport, international/national trains in other cities, the Swarovski crystal world and around a 10 minute easy walk to the old town. We were checked in early by a very friendly lady on reception who initially let us store our luggage. The snow capped mountain views from the room (ours was on the 8th floor) are stunning and framed perfectly by the big windows. The hotel reception and room was stylishly decorated. In the room, there was a small window that could be opened and the air conditioning was very quiet, though doesn’t go down to the 10c on the thermostat and seemed more like 20c. The bedding was very nice quality and had a soft and firm pillow - these were probably the most comfortable pillows I’ve experienced in a hotel before. The bathroom is, again, very modern with nice smelling hand wash and shower gel/shampoo. The shower head had a few different settings, including a massage mode which ran for a few seconds. The shelf for the shower gel/shampoo wasn’t very strong though, so had to be held or rested elsewhere and the pump head kept getting stuck, but otherwise was very good and the towels were very soft and thick. The room was fairly quiet, but you could hear other people in other rooms so it doesn’t appear to be soundproofed in any way. Noise from outside (trains, buses and incoming aeroplanes) were very minimal though and did not disturb us. We found the room cleaning system a little strange - there are two cards that you can put on the door. One is not to be cleaned at all during the day and the other is not to have the room cleaned at that time and needs to be removed before 2pm. There isn’t anything to put on the door when you want it to be cleaned, you just have to remove both from the door handle. We initially had the card attached to the door not to disturb at that time (overnight) and then removed it in the morning at 11am and the room had not been cleaned. We were able to get clean towels from reception though. It would be better in my opinion to have a card to have the room cleaned rather than two not to have it cleaned as most people would surely want the room cleaned. We went to the bar on the 13th floor during our stay. This can be visited by hotel guests and non hotel guests. This looks very nice and has great views all around, as well as an outdoor area with blankets. The prices of the drinks are reasonable and comparable with elsewhere in the city. We sat outside and then asked at the bar for a couple of drinks. We were told that there wasn’t any bar service for the outside area - only the inside (which is not a problem at all). However, it was a bit awkward when paying, the lady making the drinks asked if I wanted to give a tip. Given that the drinks were just being made and not brought to our table, I did not give a tip. I may be over thinking this, however it fe



4.4/540 評價
Excellent customer service, Anna was very very very helpful, as a hotel they should be proud to have Anna working with them. The rooms are spacious, cleaning is average, breakfast had varieties and the location is excellent, 3 mins walking to the center. The staff are all kind. I had to leave one day before so Ms Sabine understood my situation and refunded the breakfast amount, she tried to refund the night but because my booking is prepaid she wasn’t able, I hope she tries her best to do something. The rooms are quite, you can sleep with no noise at all. I definitely recommend anyone who visits Innsbruck to stay in it.
4.4/5106 評價
Great little hotel with an excellent breakfast. I have stayed here on a few occasions and each time the standard has been high. Very friendly and helpful staff. The rooms are not huge, but perfectly adequate for us, given we spend much of the day out. Nice little bar with a coffee machine available for guests. The fact that we keep going back to it is a reflection of the hotel.
4.5/5127 評價
4.4/578 評價
Wir waren eine Nacht zu Gast in diesem Hotel. Stage 12 liegt mitten im Zentrum. An der Rezeption wurden wir sehr freundlich empfangen. Das Zimmer war gemütlich, modern eingerichtet , sauber und sehr ruhig. Zum Frühstück gab es von allem etwas. Besonders freute ich mich über eine große Auswahl an Obst. Wenn wir wieder nach Innsbruck kommen, dann nächtigen wir wieder in dem Hotel, vor allem wegen seiner Lage und Freundlichkeit. An der Stelle noch einen schönen Dank für das Upgrade. Das Zimmer mit Blick auf die Berge war umwerfend.
4.2/585 評價
Excelent Hotel. If you want to just hang out and have the best time of your life I highly recommend it. Friendly Staff, super quiet, super clean. Best breakfast in town. The road up there is amazing and it's everything it claims it is. I've spent 3 nights and it is worth every penny.
4.2/571 評價
Fantastic location!! Right next to the train station, very central and with Mountain View. Clean room and the best bathroom we have ever had in a hotel! Sparkling clean, huge shower and fantastic facilities. Nice lighting in the room Lovely and quiet room despite being so close to the train station it was silent. Reception staff were incredibly friendly and made an exceptionally good check in and out service. The reception team have a very cute Labrador! :) Would I come again —- most definitely!!!!







因斯布魯克遊玩,超過80家口碑不錯的酒店能您選擇。因斯布魯克的酒店物美價廉,只需約741 HKD就能在當地不錯的酒店住上一晚。因斯布魯克有1家五星級酒店,平均每晚867 HKD。因斯布魯克有22家四星級酒店,平均每晚886 HKD。因斯布魯克有18家三星級酒店,平均每晚657 HKD。因斯布魯克有3家二星級酒店,平均每晚460 HKD。現在,有許多知名連鎖品牌酒店已經入駐因斯布魯克了。華美達酒店是當地其中一個最有人氣的酒店品牌。如若您對旅行住宿比較有要求,在因斯布魯克還是挺容易找到舒適酒店的,像華美達旗下的酒店就很好。因斯布魯克因斯布魯克TC酒店(TC Hotel Innsbruck)是Trip.com客人最喜歡入住的酒店之一。除此之外,因斯布魯克阿德勒斯酒店(Adlers Hotel Innsbruck)也是遊客們常去的酒店。

因斯布魯克市區有不少出名的特色景點,例如:蒂洛爾州立博物館, 茵斯布魯克。在因斯布魯克周圍尋幽探祕,Eurokart Motorsport, 宮廷城堡是個好去處。其實到因斯布魯克旅遊,最熱門的景點還有安娜柱, 因斯布魯克老城區, 黃金屋頂。若您希望購買一些當地特產,可以考慮去當地的商業區ARKO(茵斯布魯克店), Sillpark購物中心, D. Swarovski Tourism, Services逛一逛。










