

4.5 /51031條評價
In summer, taking my baby and parents to the beach to cool off, eat seafood and enjoy the joy of slow life has become an important job for me and my wife. No need to do too much homework, no need to endure long-distance flight, no need to worry about children not to play, parents can't eat well, the best choice is Qinhuangdao Anaya, one of the so-called "China's Four Great Pans". Traffic: Beijing to Anaya can choose to drive by itself or by train. It takes about 3 to 4 hours to see the traffic jam. If the train is super convenient, take the train to Beidaihe Station. It usually goes directly for 2 hours. The fare is about 40 to 80. There are Anaya buses to deliver or take a taxi when you get off. Anaya drivers don't know. Accommodation: Friends gathering, two or three families, all with children, the most suitable choice for the villa courtyard. 160 square meters of independent courtyard, children have a large space to move, we live in cocoa villa courtyard more than 2000 a night, the girls in Beijing are very happy, we did not bargain too much. The environment is quiet and tidy, with 24-hour housekeeping service. Nearly 50 flat large living room, three bedrooms are 1.8*2 meters big bed, the main bedroom has a baby bed with mosquito nets, once a child bed. In the corner of the living room is a mini children's paradise carefully arranged by the owner, with puzzles, Lego and all kinds of children's books. When the weather is hot, the children can have a good time in the room. Landlord phone - "1391 0602 23. It only takes three or four minutes to go out and see Anaya's most famous building, the Lonely Library. Along the seaside trail, along the way, there are various recreational facilities, such as Anaya Auditorium, Water Sports Center, Sea Wind Bar, Infinite Swimming Pool and so on. A five-minute walk from the courtyard will allow community shuttle batteries to reach children's swimming pool, owner's canteen, tent restaurant, children's farm, children's restaurant, Anayama Clubmed Hotel, golf training ground, Anaya supermarket and other living services. Diet: Eating is a top priority. Parents are old, children are small, and people don't want to spend so much money. Then Anaya will solve all the problems for you. There are three owners'canteens. The whole family can satisfy all kinds of tastes. What you want to eat is your choice. Like IKEA, you can make your own final account for your meals. We have three meals a day in the canteen. Breakfast is served from 7:00. Very satisfied, hygienic and clean, food condiments are provided by Metro. In addition to the owner's canteen, there are also Chinese restaurants, French iron plate cooking, tent restaurants, children's restaurants, dessert shops, cafes and other catering options. Play facilities: Needless to say, children will dig for sand when they open their eyes. Adults who can dig for two hours will go to the seaside auditorium and lonely library to read and meditate. Night falls, sea breeze bar is very worth experiencing, Anaya DO will create a happy holiday atmosphere. There are also various recreational facilities, hot springs, gyms and children's paradise in Clubmed Hotel. Every other section of Anaya Park has children's entertainment, which is very good. The newly opened children's farm is suitable for children over 7 years old.


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