

4.7 /5130條評價
歷史悠久 風景美 遊客不多 值得一游


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  • Lavender and Sun


  • 陌染MM


  • suifeng2019


  • 无目的闲逛

    When we go to buy tickets by bus, the price of tickets can be reduced by showing bus tickets. The bus tickets are 10 pounds round trip. The tickets are 17.5 pounds. When we show bus tickets, it is 13.5 pounds. Castles and gardens are beautiful and speechless. Because they are the places of filming (after storms and storms in their homeland), the scenery along the bus is also beautiful, and they have the feeling of scenery in British dramas.

  • 小亚到处看看

    Howard Castle is very large. It's a mile from the entrance to the main building gate. You'd better get a map. Some of the less eye-catching garden entrances will be missed. The fountain of Atlas in front of the main building is the most spectacular. There are also various works of art, sculptures and other noble manors. It takes at least two hours to walk around. Howard Castle is an hour's bus ride from York, but there aren't many direct buses there, only 180 and 181 buses. There are stations near York Railway Station or Cathedral. The departure time from York is respectively - "180 at 9 a.m., 181 at 11 noon and 1 at 13 p.m. But it's 15 o'clock when the 13 o'clock train arrives there. The castle is very big. We have to catch the last bus back at 17 o'clock. It's not enough to go around for more than an hour. From the castle back to York - "180 p.m. 14 - "00 o'clock, 181 p.m. 17 o'clock from the castle back.

  • rei1140

    Because of Jay Chou's big marriage, the castle hidden in the city has become the most popular attraction for Chinese people. When I told my British friend that I was going there, he couldn't understand anything. He also suggested going to outlets in York. He said it was better than the castle. How could he understand Jay's weight in the hearts of our generation? Howard Castle, located in North Yorkshire, England, is owned and inhabited by the Howard family of all ages. The castle was first built by Charles, the third-generation Count of Carlisle. After his appointment in 1692, he commissioned John van Burgh to design and build the luxurious Baroque Howard Castle in North Yorkshire. It is estimated that 300-year-old houses are rare in China. It is a bit lonely to go in winter. They are not allowed to visit inside and walk outside. The scenery at high latitudes is beautiful, but it is cold and cold. In these old houses, many of them have lived in the same family for hundreds of years. It's kind of like Downton Hall, the stories of generations. The TV series adapted from the famous novel Brideshead Revisited and the movies of the same name in 2008 have been frequently shown. The novel has also been translated as "After the Storm in Hometown". Friends who can not visit here can watch the relevant movies and TV plays for addiction. There are many sculptures here, and the fountain is exquisite. Atlas Fountain Fountain Fountain is the best place to take a panoramic view of the castle. Please take a group photo to remember. In addition, there are twelve constellations on the ball dragged by the stone statue in the center of the fountain. South Lake is suitable for a person to sit quietly by the lake, or for three or two friends to walk around the lake, looking at swans and ducks in the lake, which is very pleasant. Temple of the Four Winds, a small temple, because it has not been opened for a long time, itself nothing, but the scenery is very good. Surrounding the green oil, I feel that my eyesight is better without eye exercises. Don't ask me about my traffic. I was driven by a friend. See the power said to change buses, there are not many classes, manor, it must be far away from the city, living manor can not use bus travel, right. There's a restaurant at the entrance of the manor. It's delicious. There's a set lunch at noon. It's 3 or 4, but when you're late, you have to wait in line.

  • 带着Cici看世界

    On Station Ave, 181, an hour's drive to the castle. In fact, in Britain, where famous castles are gathered, Howard Castle was not so famous in the circle of Chinese people at first. But a wedding in 2015 let everyone know about it. Yes, this is the place where Zhou Dong held his after-party after marriage (the wedding was held in the Church of Selby town, near York). Even YORK's local travel website says "The Jay Chou Wedding Tour". At the same time, Howard Castle is also the place where one of the BBC's myths "Brideshead Revisited" was filmed. The entrance is a rose garden, it is said. There are more than 2000 varieties of roses in it. But August is not the rosy season, so only a few of them are sparsely blooming. They are not interested in taking pictures. They can take a small train to the castle at the entrance. It takes about ten minutes to walk past. We went straight to the last stop, the lake at the end of the castle. There is a small children's paradise there. The lakeside scenery is very beautiful, many waterbirds, plus the good weather, which makes people relaxed and happy. With the big lawn, the style of the English manor is undoubtedly very obvious. The huge dome inside the castle, the beautiful statues in the huge arch niche, the precious antiques collected by Count Carlyle on both sides of the antique corridor, the exquisite roof decorations, the magnificent home decoration, the walls. Brilliant colours keep the old castle alive.

  • rei1140

    要去莊園必須經過玫瑰園,這裏種植着幾十種英倫玫瑰。可惜去的時候是冬季,只是一些光禿禿的枝恭弘=叶 恭弘,再冬日的陽光下默默地等待冬天的離去。園子很大,我不負重望的迷了路……想想要是我住這裏,根BF約個會,一轉身找不到BF,再次相見已經一天之後,是不是很浪漫啊……飄過園子的各種雕塑,各種拱門,這些都是自拍神聖地,朋友在裏面已經出不來了。再往前走一點可以看到一個池子,水面已經結冰,亂耳水下的紅鯉魚居然沒有休眠,還在游!我又是一陣左拍右拍,還看到一隻小小鳥,沿着池子蹦蹦跳跳。說實在話,約克真冷,這前不着村后不着店的霍華德城堡更冷。難得又是魚又是鳥,還有孔雀,英國的動物們真堅強啊……

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Maria_Small: Castle Howard, York YO60 7DA, United Kingdom
Raelynn_Snider: 我推薦霍華德城堡,Yorkshire Arboretum,Great Lake
Natalia_Snow: 霍華德城堡附近有這幾間酒店:Snowdrop Cottage,Lime Kiln House,Rosedale House
Isabelle_Solis: 您可以考慮Lakeside Café at Castle Howard,Crown and Cushion,Leaf and Loaf