

3.9/553 評價
Stayed 3 nights at this hotel as a Hilton Honors Gold guest with $30 Food and Beverage credit per night. Encountered outrageous issues enumerated below: 1) Checked in just after mid-night when valet has already closed. I eChecked from Hilton app and received digital key ahead of time but stopped by the front desk to make sure she has my car key for the Valet in the morning. She made a few keys which I sent my husband with so that he can get into the room to unpack as I stayed behind to fill out the paperwork for the car. He opened the room door to guests already asleep and both parties were shocked. The guests staying in my room called down to the front desk, and the only employee at the time started explaining why this may have happened. In that process, my FULL name was shared with people who are sleeping in the room I was assigned to and I learned the name of the other guest and that of her husband. The receptionist was completely frazzled, so I decided to report this to front desk the next morning. I was offered free Valet Parking during my stay. 2) There was NO restaurant onsite and no way for me to spend my Food and Beverage credit except at the self-service snack bar at the corner. I looked at the selection and inquired what my options are if I didn't want anything from the bar. I was told that I can purchase Hilton points with the F&B credit at check out, which I attempted to do. The receptionist told me that their record showed I purchased a bunch of snacks upon check in...I never even walked towards that area as I was dealing with the wrong room fiasco. I was promised to be made whole before they apply the $90 credit towards Hilton points. 3) After four emailed receipts after check out with a balance that finally showed 0, I waited a few days before I called Hilton Customer Service to check as I still haven't seen the point purchase. I was on hold with the first agent for 20 min as she supposedly called the hotel to check. She then told me she's transferring me to another agent to open a case. This was not a warm-hand-off, so I had to tell the story all over again, as the agent appeared to be soothing a crying baby at the same time. I was then again put on hold, for another 20 min, only to be transferred to the hotel reception to tell me that they now show I made snack purchase on the first night of my check in AND AGAIN upon check out, so there's no credit that they can apply towards point purchase. NOW..I don't know how to prove that I wouldn't touch the crap they have in that sad little corner they call snack bar, I'd like to know how HILTON can prove that I made those purchase. At this juncture, I'm putting this behind me. Stay away from this hotel...actually, given my experience with Hilton Customer Service, I'd say stay away from Hilton altogether.
4.2/5105 評價


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Merrick Rose Garden,Dawes Park,Evanston History Center是埃文斯頓市中心人氣頗佳的旅遊熱點,有空可以到這些地方逛一逛。美國塔吉特百貨在埃文斯頓是熱鬧的購物點,有時間一定要去看下。


