

4.4/555 評價
公寓位於科托爾的原始舊建築內,位於城牆內。它方便地訪問老城區的一切。我們能夠在大約200米外的公共停車場停放一輛車,目前沒有成本 經過精心翻新,空間充足。我們是兩對夫婦旅行。每個臥室都有自己的浴室,這很棒。主人非常樂於助人,解釋了關於城市和公寓的一些有用的東西。如果需要,他很容易到達。由於這個公寓在市中心,它非常繁忙和吵鬧。然而,這並沒有打擾我們,噪音似乎在午夜左右停止。公寓很舒服,我們睡得很好。我們毫不猶豫地再次預訂這個公寓。
4.5/537 評價
That was really an unforgettable experience. Really warm welcome and helpful check-in experience. Location was awesome and in the middle of the main square of Kotor Old Town. Thanks to this location advantage, you can get relaxed anytime you want during your daily walk. If you have a car, hotel has an agreement with a safe public parking garage. Garage is really close to hotel and always available. Although daily parking cost is 20€, you can use it by paying 10€ to hotel. (I think it is the best amount for Kotor Old Town) When we need anything (such as ice for broken finger in the midnight, they really helped and solved the issue with lots of ice cubes.) The room was modernly decorated and has so many helpful guest amenities. There are so many types of food in breakfast but it can be improved. Don’t worry, you will be satisfied. Minibar also has all kind of beverages with and without alcohol. I finally thank to hotel staff once, and especially to Anja for her warm, sympathetic and helpful approach. And thank you for the gift you gave us at check out. Hope to see you once Hotel Vardar!
4.4/534 評價
The design concept and decor are stunning, but totally impractical and overprice Our lofted room in the attic was an excellent space to spread out in the lower half of the room, but the only seats were two formal armchairs that were far from relaxing. The loft itself was similarly quirky, with very low beams that left us crawling in and out of bed all night, worried we’d smash our foreheads on the stone. The rustic bathroom was easily flooded given the open shower and the TV didn’t work. In fact, neither did the main lights (seemingly on a short), nor did the lift (five flights up with a large bag was no fun!). Finally, the room was *extremely* loud with the next door bar crowded, until 1am. All that said, the hotel is superbly located and the managing staff were extremely kind and helpful with us at each moment!.
4.5/550 評價
每次做行程預訂酒店都是我最糾結的事情,搜地點看評價選風格,總會在幾家酒店或民宿間徘徊很久,這次帶了一羣小伙伴一起玩自由行,對我真的是有一次考驗和煎熬,想着整個行程讓大家感受不同的味道——常規酒店希爾頓、無敵海景別墅、森林小木屋、古堡酒店、特色民宿…… 今天的克裏瓦特普利亞餐廳酒店(攜程四星)地理位置得天獨厚,就在小鎮最中心位置,依山傍水又環境優美……不論白天黑夜都別有一番風味……還有最後二家酒店等待我的到來,希望也可以給我們帶來滿滿的幸福!訂房如相親,全憑感覺[偷笑]據說酒店早餐還有小提琴助興,期待中入眠……va
4.4/545 評價
A small friendly and genuine boutique hotel located right in the middle of Kotor old town with lots of photo opportunities, shops and cafes around. What a glorious hotel this is .... in a renovated old building with first class amenities and superb restaurant on the rooftop. The suites are very spacious with good amenities (including bottled water).
4.4/551 評價





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