

4.2/5101 評價
4.2/5100 評價
This is a nice little hotel in the vicinity of the Overland Park Convention Center which also has its little imperfections… Positives/ pros: As one previous Courtyard review said, in all different ways, this hotel has great design and color balance throughout the Lobby and further. I also liked it in the suite that I shared with my guests. It had a large and impressive parlor room, with a large wet bar countertop and cabinets below. I liked how you walked straight into the bathroom sink and then shower and toilet room from the parlor unlike the design arrangement of the Overland Park Sheraton. The bedroom area was situated nicely to the right of the doorway and behind the closet. What I did like better about the OP Sheraton in comparison was the separate wall divided entry foyer. All plumbing and electrical fixtures worked well, the furniture was intact and comfortable except some of the wood furniture with some wear on it. The Lobby and Pool area were very clean as both the. Pool and hot tub operated very well holding decent temperature. The Bistro breakfast food I ate was also good. Last, but not least, the staff was accommodating, welcoming, helpful, informative, and communicative. The absolute negatives/ cons: The carpet in both elevators was absolutely dirty across each surface. Just a black and smeared stain across both surfaces. It didn’t look like they had been cleaned for a long time at all. They both should be replaced and then the new pieces should be cleaned regularly. If you are a guest who is thinking about booking a suite at the hotel and you are going to be designated to sleeping on the pull out sofa bed, you need to be a heavy sleeper because there is a lot of audible noise and some light leaking into the cracks around the door and it’s peep hole. The ac unit and the mini fridge were so loud that I I had to shut the ac off, unplug the mini fridge, and put to sofa pillows against the door to block the light. It was a little to late to the point that I did not end up getting enough sleep. Remember, that room works best for heavy sleepers, not light ones like me. The very last issue was the small pieces of white paper like debris spread throughout the guest room hallway. The last reason I gave this hotel 4 stars is because of a balanced contradiction in opinions and issues: When I first arrived at the hotel about 30 minutes before the standard check in time, I was notified that my room wasn’t ready and I had to wait for it to be ready. When my friends/ guests arrived a couple of minutes later, I informed them about what was going on. A little later, we were informed that there was a shortage of housekeeping crew on dirty as was the case for other hotels, of course. It wasn’t something that I was too excited about, but I got through it and being patient by exploring the lobby, talking to my friend’s family, eating and drinking snacks from the Market, and briefly looking at my phone. The female front desk worker kept her word at
歐弗蘭帕克/堪薩斯城Staybridge Suites酒店
4.4/5101 評價
4/5100 評價
總體應該 性價比高
4.4/5103 評價
I've rarely stayed at Hyatt Hotels but I'm glad I did this time because it was a real treat. The rooms were well thought out, practical and yet stylish and clean. The staff was super friendly and went out of their way for me. And the breakfast was amazing. I've never had any hotel breakfast come close.
Holiday Inn & Suites 奧佛蘭公園CONV點擊率
4.3/591 評價



最高價格SGD 1,688
最低價格SGD 101
平均價格(平日)SGD 265
平均價格(週末)SGD 309


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歐弗蘭帕克的景點不少,如果你住在市中心可以先看看Fieldhouse Sports Cafe,Overland Park Convention Center,Kanza Hall。如果在歐弗蘭帕克想購物,到歐舒丹,蘭蔻(MACY'S-METCALF SOUTH),倩碧(Macy's)。


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