正在尋找TerraCello Winery附近的酒店?不妨參考真實旅客的評價。


正在搜尋TerraCello Winery附近的酒店?比較房價和評價,找到您的理想酒店。
3.9/5101 評價
Just spent 2 nights in The House Next Door room 10 of the Waring House. For the nightly of $275 I was shocked at the room. I was part of a large group, and unfortunately there were no other rooms available or I would have checked out. To start with, in the bathroom there was a large section of black mold along the floor board, the caulking along the bottom of shower stall as well as the track were in need of deep cleaning, same with the floor of the shower since I don’t think it was meant to be grey. The sinks were cracked and unbelievably the clothes rail (only place to hang clothes up) was right next to the toilet! After my shower I hung up my towel & the towel bar came crashing down from the wall. The lights in the room were either entirely off or all on as they seemed to be on the same circuit. Same goes for the electrical outlets, so I couldn’t charge my phone once the lights were out. The manager seemed shocked when I showed her the photos, apologized and offered a small discount but it really didn’t make up for a truly awful room. It needs to be gutted and they should start over again.
4.4/543 評價
the service was impeccable! it was a family reunion to celebrate my daughters wedding! we felt welcomed and at home. The breakfast was fantastic, a real gourmet experience! the rooms are unique and fun. there are all kind of bedrooms to accommodate grandmas, babys, children, teens, and the newly weds got their jacuzzi! just perfect!!!!
4.8/567 評價


  • TerraCello Winery附近哪些酒店最受歡迎?

    赫夫苑酒莊客棧 是其中一間最熱門的酒店。

  • TerraCello Winery附近哪些酒店受預算有限的旅客歡迎?

    無論您是出門公幹還是旅行散心, 伊賽亞舒塔布斯度假村Wander度假村 都是價格相宜的熱門酒店。

  • 今個週末TerraCello Winery附近酒店的平均價格是?

    根據 Trip.com 的數據分析,於週末入住愛德華王子縣TerraCello Winery附近的酒店每晚平均價格為HK$1,978。價格浮動且變動頻繁,以上數據只供參考。

  • TerraCello Winery附近哪些酒店有提供早餐?

    一日之計在於晨,吃一頓豐富美味的早餐,開展精彩的一天吧!如果您想在愛德華王子縣TerraCello Winery附近找一間提供早餐的酒店,可考慮入住 赫夫苑酒莊客棧 。記得盡早預訂這間熱門酒店!

  • TerraCello Winery附近酒店每晚的平均價格是?

    根據 Trip.com 的數據分析,愛德華王子縣TerraCello Winery附近的酒店每晚平均價格為HK$4,987。價格浮動且變動頻繁,以上數據只供參考。

  • TerraCello Winery附近哪些酒店有提供免費 Wi-Fi?

    無論您是要出門公幹還是旅行散心,Wi-Fi 都必不可少。 赫夫苑酒莊客棧 是一間提供免費 Wi-Fi 的熱門酒店。

  • TerraCello Winery附近哪些酒店設有健身室?

    健康對於很多客人來說都是頭等大事,因此大部份酒店都會提供健身室,讓您即便在假期中也能努力鍛鍊身體。 伊賽亞舒塔布斯度假村 是一間提供健身室的熱門酒店。

  • TerraCello Winery附近有哪些無障礙酒店?

    華林豪斯酒店 是一間提供無障礙設施的熱門酒店。

  • TerraCello Winery附近哪些酒店設有禁煙房?

    很多客人都非常重視酒店房間的質素,並想確保房間裡空氣清新潔淨。 赫夫苑酒莊客棧 是一間提供非吸煙房間的熱門酒店。

  • TerraCello Winery附近哪些熱門酒店設有停車場?

    如果您打算自行駕車到愛德華王子縣TerraCello Winery,何不入住 赫夫苑酒莊客棧 ?這間酒店有停車場。

  • TerraCello Winery附近有哪些推薦酒店?

    如果您舉棋不定,難以選擇,不如考慮入住 赫夫苑酒莊客棧 。這間酒店評價極佳,記得提早預訂!

  • TerraCello Winery附近哪些熱門酒店設有游泳池?

    暑假正是一家大小一齊去愛德華王子縣TerraCello Winery的好時候! 伊賽亞舒塔布斯度假村Wander度假村 是幾間有游泳池的熱門酒店。

  • TerraCello Winery附近哪些熱們酒店設有餐廳?

    如果您想在旅行中品嘗一下正宗當地美食,您可以考慮入住 伊賽亞舒塔布斯度假村華林豪斯酒店 。這幾間酒店附近有不少提供當地美食的餐廳。




雖然愛德華王子縣這個城市並不大,但依然有性價比不錯的酒店。愛德華王子縣的酒店物美價廉,只需約1165 HKD就能在當地不錯的酒店住上一晚。愛德華王子縣有3家四星級酒店,平均每晚1033 HKD。愛德華王子縣有2家三星級酒店,平均每晚997 HKD。愛德華王子縣有1家二星級酒店,平均每晚254 HKD。入住愛德華王子縣當地的特色酒店能夠讓遊客得到不一樣的住宿新體驗。2 Bedroom Cottage on Cherry Beach愛德華王子縣中較具人氣的熱門酒店之一。當然,許多遊客也會選擇野林住宿加早餐酒店(Wildwood Acres Bed and Breakfast)入住。

其實到愛德華王子縣旅遊,最熱門的景點還有Lake on the Mountain, Macaulay Mountain Conservation Area。
