若想要遊覽阿波羅灣,巧克力塘鵝酒店將會是一個不錯的的住宿之選。旅客們會發現Apollo Bay Museum和水手瞭望塔距離酒店都不遠。酒店佔盡地理之宜,Karmic Goat Soapworks、大洋路跳傘和大洋路離此都很近。所有極具特色的客房都配備有熨衣設備、房內保險箱和空調,讓您感受到更加貼心細緻的入住體驗。電熱水壺和咖啡壺/茶壺可供使用,便捷的客房設施定能讓您倍感舒適。浴室內提供拖鞋和吹風機,讓您感受到賓至如歸的享受。如果旅客想在自己的房間舒適的用餐,酒店可提供客房服務。除此之外,我們還為您精心蒐集了周邊的餐飲訊息,Sweet View - The Great Ocean Road Lolly Shop、Thaihouse(Thaihouse)(亞洲菜)和Apollo Bay Wine Bar and Coffee Shop(咖啡店)期待着您的光顧。在您的空閑時間去按摩室放鬆一下,定能給您帶來曼妙的度假體驗。酒店會為旅客提供便捷的禮賓服務。
私人瀑布和熱帶雨林小屋酒店提供給探索這座城市的旅客一個理想之地。 在Tanybryn對於商務旅客或休閒旅行的人來說,私人瀑布和熱帶雨林小屋酒店提供了舒適的住宿。 通過Sabine Falls Picnic Area and Parking for Walking Track,Mount Sabine campground和Paddle with the Platypus,您可以輕鬆地從這家酒店看見Tanybryn的景點。 結束一整天的觀光行程,客人可在舒適的酒店休息。 Tanybryn酒店在網站上提供停車場。
From this Ken, some sweet reflections 23/8/23: It's not Surfers Paradise (& thanks for that) but here at the front wide window of the best cabin at Marengo, on a sharp-breezed but sunny August morning, there's something black (& maybe deadly)slowly creeping against the rough white waves betwixt a scruffy beach & those ragged rocks covered in indolent seals. Often the rude question rises: What do those seals do for a living? The trevally rarely leap up to be devoured! But I did see a real fisherman take two with a double-hooked light line (I wonder what they taste like?) Mostly I wonder, rather than wander, in this last blast of winter, although we are blessed by 3 days of fine sunshine, when shaded from the shade & dressed according to the time of day. That endlessly engaging distraction of light, movement, & always the underlying symphony of surf moves me away from urban life & that endless list of what ”must” be done ASAP. On this one of many journeys to Marengo Family Caravan Park, perhaps 3 hours from Brunswick if you can't help pausing at the wonderful opp shop in Anglesea, best achieved along the Great Ocean Road, by a seriously skilled driver, whose passengers are always gazing left, just in case a wonderful whale is glimpsed, we feel that slight anxiety about unlikely flat tires. The mood completely converts to joyful anticipation as we pass through the ”big smoke” of Apollo Bay - urban concerns fade & the gently rural context of ocean & forest completely converts hard times to a soft escape. On other visits to this few days of new life we have generally travelled to someplace or other & clear advice is always available from the office. This time we chose wisely to firmly alter our existence & simply soaked into an always interesting landscape. Oh, & the black & beautiful curiosity turns out to have two long ”fins” which are the paddling arms of a single surfer, in full wet suit, confidently moving out to where that magic ride can be sought. He went out of sight, around the point, to larger forces, but was seen later returning to his car, board in hand, & slightly surprised by my gestures of congratulation. The journey to Marengo is endless delights, but the happy holiday, renews energy, subdues concern, & provides a better path ahead.