【2024年】快意享受小屋及餐廳 評價・真實住客意見評論及評分


Posted 2023-02-09 16:54:39
This is a beautiful place close to the beach. We didn’t stay here, but we like to. The owner is so friendly. We got lost and walked around this nice area looking for a Tuk Tuk, when a guy called us and asked if we needed help. Now we are sitting in his beautiful garden in the shade, waiting for his friend who is coming with his Tuk Tuk. The owner and his friends are working in the heat to make a wonderful family room and his Young a cute boy in his Batman t-shirt is smiling at us. We don’t know about the rooms, but we highly recommend coming here for the atmosphere and the people :)
快意享受小屋及餐廳 評價