

4.4/537 評價
Terrible experience in the restaurant. The person at the entrance is extremely rude bordering abusive. We went in as we thought our friends were already there and we were told off and informed that we needed to wait for our turn 'as everyone else' before going in and that we should not have gone inside just because we have a baby. We finally got a table after a long wait in which we had to listen to him treat others the same way (both foreign and local customers). Finally, we were given a table in the sun even after asking for cover as we have a year old baby and there were clearly tables under cover available. Apparently these were not available (they stayed empty the whole time we were there) so we asked whether it was possible to have the shades unfolded to which he said that the wind was too strong and so they won't be able to unfold them yet. After an hour waiting for orders to be taken, my husband went to get our son to sleep walking around inside while we were ordering and the same person proceeded to come up to him and shout in his face asking if he was waiting for a table (he knew we already had one) and woke our son up. We don't expect special treatment just for having a baby but it seemed this person purposely tried to make it difficult for us. If so, he should find another job, his manners are not appropriate to be in a customer-facing role. Regarding the food, the burgers were dry, the service was slow and a friend was given normal milk in her coffee when she asked for oat. Not a big deal but just another indicator of poor service. As a Spaniard, i would not recommend to locals and with an English husband, we would not recommend to tourists.
3.7/571 評價
3.9/567 評價



最高價格EUR 446
最低價格EUR 60
平均價格(平日)EUR 176
平均價格(週末)EUR 168


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