正在尋找Casa Rocket附近的酒店?不妨參考真實旅客的評價。


探索Casa Rocket附近的熱門酒店


高盧艾美酒店 - 米蘭
4.6/5102 評價

高盧艾美酒店 - 米蘭

米蘭中央車站 米蘭|距離Casa Rocket0.91km
We selected the hotel for its reputation as a flagship, luxury property within the Marriott Bonvoy portfolio. We booked a 3 night stay at the beginning of a 3 week trip through Italy,. The hotel has a majestic presence in a wonderful, central Milan location. The common areas of the hotel have magnificent architectural details and are beautifully appointed. The staff is universally professional and well-trained. We were pleasantly greeted upon checking in and assigned a room that we were looking forward to after traveling close to 24 hours end-to-end from our home in California. The room was badly worn and very disappointing. The leather on the exterior of the door was literally peeling off. Inside; the leather headboard was also in horrible condition; the leather desk chair had holes in it and showed considerable wear; the leather-covered drawers were worn through and peeling; and the long wood laminate counter was badly chipped. The room should have been renovated years ago, and certainly had no place being in a 5-star, luxury hotel. We were exhausted from our long journey, otherwise we would have requested a change in rooms. We unpacked and prepared to refresh with a shower when we realized that the temperature control for the shower was not functioning. We called the front desk and they promptly sent up a tech. He worked on it and then summoned another associate. Neither could fix it. We called the front desk again, and they said that they’d move us to another room within 10-15 minutes. We packed up everything and waited. About an hour passed and I went down to the front desk to personally discuss the matter and find out why we had not been moved. The desk clerk was very kind, and stated that they were still working on finding us another room. He stated that the hotel is very aware of the condition of the rooms, but doesn’t want to close off any rooms for renovation when the hotel is busy during prime season. He assured me that the new room would be ready soon and that they would be moving us to a “much larger” one. Finally, after waiting about 2 hours, we were moved to our new room. Again, the leather on the door was badly peeling and should have been replaced. The room was not substantially larger, and seemed roughly the same size as the first one. Overall, it was badly worn, the carpet had stains in it, and the bathroom had mildew in the grout around the shower/tub. The bathroom felt dirty. Upon checking out, the desk manager asked me how our stay was before realizing that she recognized our name. She told me that our situation had come up in a staff meeting and that the hotel wanted to try and make things right by offering to credit our Bonvoy account for one of the three nights of our stay. While this gesture was appreciated, the experience at the hotel was extremely disappointing. Aside from its beautiful common areas and polite, attentive staff, the guest rooms are in deplorable condition and have





4.3/5135 評價


米蘭中央車站 米蘭|距離Casa Rocket0.16km
我們通過瑞安航空抵達貝爾加莫機場,很快買了車票,換到米蘭中央車站,每人12歐元。這是一個星期五晚上的交通相當擁擠,而不是50分鐘和5分鐘的轉會,但這在週五晚上是顯而易見的,特別是因爲該地區剛剛發生了一場暴雨。我們到達米蘭中央區,如果我們轉個彎,我們步行6分鐘後就會到達大朵利亞酒店。遺憾的是,我們轉向了錯誤的方向(主要是對這個網站的評論,它告訴我們在星際酒店走。你不會。道路兩邊都有星際酒店。在他們之間走,從車站停車場離開)。我們一到(下車45分鐘後)就收到了一家漂亮的酒店。它從20世紀初開始就一直存在,並在21世紀得到具體更新的同時保持了這種外觀。我們很快辦理了入住手續,被告知餐廳十分鐘後就要關門了,所以我們從馬路對面左側的Carrfour Extra超市買了一些用品。酒店房間本身很可愛。一張大牀,充足的衣櫥空間,一個可愛的浴室,有廁所,淋浴,浴缸和浴盆,所有的裝飾都是大理石。房間有一台大小適中的電視安裝在牀對面的牆上(我猜大概是42英寸左右的電視),而且是高清晰度的。包含的早餐非常棒。穀物,奶酪,無花果,炒雞蛋,培根,香腸(熱狗,歐式,風格)果汁,新鮮咖啡和茶,羊角麪包,還有很多其他糕點。選擇非常大。我們在米蘭度過了一天,然後在埃文寧找地方吃。酒店周圍選擇有限,靠近米蘭市中心的人很多,所以我們選擇在酒店提供的兩家餐廳之一吃飯。我們在多利亞咖啡廳吃飯。我妻子吃了一道美味的意大利麪食,我吃了小牛肉,配了橘沙拉,我們分享了一份綠色沙拉。我們之間有一大瓶水,我喝了一杯由女士推薦的非常好的紅酒。總共55歐元,非常合理。在我們離開後, maitre de甚至追我們,以確保我們把剩下的一瓶水帶走。他是一個可愛的男人。我強烈推薦這家酒店。位置很好。離米蘭市中心足夠遠,你不必忍受城市的喧囂,距離最近的地鐵站只有3分鐘的步行路程(2歐元90分鐘的無限旅行),步行6分鐘到主站它保存得很好,工作人員非常友好,值得四星級。通常他們每晚收費285歐元,但我們設法獲得了兩晚的房間250歐元。便宜,值得。強烈推薦。



正在搜尋Casa Rocket附近的酒店?比較房價和評價,找到您的理想酒店。
3.5/544 評價
very good location and it is very convenient to use public transportation~ all the staff are nice people😄😄😄 very lucky to spend new year's Eve here in Milan and the sight of this city is great😄😄😉hope to see you next time
4.3/5135 評價
我們通過瑞安航空抵達貝爾加莫機場,很快買了車票,換到米蘭中央車站,每人12歐元。這是一個星期五晚上的交通相當擁擠,而不是50分鐘和5分鐘的轉會,但這在週五晚上是顯而易見的,特別是因爲該地區剛剛發生了一場暴雨。我們到達米蘭中央區,如果我們轉個彎,我們步行6分鐘後就會到達大朵利亞酒店。遺憾的是,我們轉向了錯誤的方向(主要是對這個網站的評論,它告訴我們在星際酒店走。你不會。道路兩邊都有星際酒店。在他們之間走,從車站停車場離開)。我們一到(下車45分鐘後)就收到了一家漂亮的酒店。它從20世紀初開始就一直存在,並在21世紀得到具體更新的同時保持了這種外觀。我們很快辦理了入住手續,被告知餐廳十分鐘後就要關門了,所以我們從馬路對面左側的Carrfour Extra超市買了一些用品。酒店房間本身很可愛。一張大牀,充足的衣櫥空間,一個可愛的浴室,有廁所,淋浴,浴缸和浴盆,所有的裝飾都是大理石。房間有一台大小適中的電視安裝在牀對面的牆上(我猜大概是42英寸左右的電視),而且是高清晰度的。包含的早餐非常棒。穀物,奶酪,無花果,炒雞蛋,培根,香腸(熱狗,歐式,風格)果汁,新鮮咖啡和茶,羊角麪包,還有很多其他糕點。選擇非常大。我們在米蘭度過了一天,然後在埃文寧找地方吃。酒店周圍選擇有限,靠近米蘭市中心的人很多,所以我們選擇在酒店提供的兩家餐廳之一吃飯。我們在多利亞咖啡廳吃飯。我妻子吃了一道美味的意大利麪食,我吃了小牛肉,配了橘沙拉,我們分享了一份綠色沙拉。我們之間有一大瓶水,我喝了一杯由女士推薦的非常好的紅酒。總共55歐元,非常合理。在我們離開後, maitre de甚至追我們,以確保我們把剩下的一瓶水帶走。他是一個可愛的男人。我強烈推薦這家酒店。位置很好。離米蘭市中心足夠遠,你不必忍受城市的喧囂,距離最近的地鐵站只有3分鐘的步行路程(2歐元90分鐘的無限旅行),步行6分鐘到主站它保存得很好,工作人員非常友好,值得四星級。通常他們每晚收費285歐元,但我們設法獲得了兩晚的房間250歐元。便宜,值得。強烈推薦。
3.7/526 評價
我在這間公寓過聖誕節。距中央車站步行 15 分鐘。公寓很新,設備齊全。它是通過一條私人封閉街道進入的,第一次去那裡很難找到(而且公司經理也沒有解釋如何正確到達那裡(比如用地圖))。我們到達的那天公寓裡很冷,我們所有租來的人都沒有毯子,所以我們不得不放幾張床單和毛巾,這樣它們就不會冷了。它靠近洛雷托地鐵站。這些問題我都不給滿分。



在Trip.com網站或者Trip.com APP上您可以找到最新的米蘭酒店優惠。Trip.com有各類米蘭特價酒店優惠,您可以在這裡找到價格便宜的米蘭平價酒店住宿。在意大利,米蘭是一座比較繁華熱鬧的城市。當您安排行程時,在米蘭住上3-5日是非常不錯的選擇。


米蘭有1409家精品酒店,Trip.com能為您提供最高20%的折扣。米蘭的酒店物美價廉,只需約1004 HKD就能在當地不錯的酒店住上一晚。米蘭有24家五星級酒店,平均每晚3332 HKD。米蘭有150家四星級酒店,平均每晚1206 HKD。米蘭有127家三星級酒店,平均每晚871 HKD。米蘭有57家二星級酒店,平均每晚620 HKD。現在,有許多知名連鎖品牌酒店已經入駐米蘭了。在米蘭,連鎖酒店如華美達是遊客們入住的熱門住宿。喜歡華美達的客人來到這裡,可以選擇該品牌旗下的酒店。米蘭馬爾彭薩機場理念酒店(Idea Hotel Milano Malpensa Airport)是米蘭中較具人氣的熱門酒店之一。假若您還有猶豫,Trip.com推薦您入住米蘭星際安德森酒店(Starhotels Anderson Milan)。

米蘭市區有不少出名的特色景點,例如:斯卡拉歌劇院, 大教堂廣場, 米蘭大教堂。在米蘭周圍尋幽探祕,科莫, 科莫湖, 米蘭國際展覽中心是個好去處。其實到米蘭旅遊,最熱門的景點還有圣西羅足球場, 蒙特拿破侖大街, 米蘭唐人街。若您希望購買一些當地特產,可以考慮去當地的商業區文藝復興百貨, Excelsior Milano, 寶格麗逛一逛。










