

4.7/526 評價
位置是最好的,就在警察巴扎爾的一條小巷裏,離市場只有幾步之遙。前台非常親切,特別受苦,他們幫助我們度過了我們的住宿。房間很小,但很乾淨,廁所幹淨,必要的廁所和溫水。早餐很棒,有煎餅 puri bhagi的選擇,有很多季節性的水果果汁和蔬菜小吃。雞蛋。他們有一個小停車場,我很樂意推薦給任何喜歡市場附近乾淨酒店的人
OYO 19292 55 柱子之家酒店
3.1/52 評價
Zostel Shillong
4/53 評價
We were a group and we booked the suite. It is a huge room with 1 king bed, 1 queen bed and 1 single bed. 5 people can comfortably stay there and it also has 2 private balconies. The first night was terrible for us as in such a huge room there was just one small wall fan and hence we had to open the windows which resulted in a swarm of mosquitos coming in as it faces the lawn. As it is zostel, there was no service at night and the next morning we raised a complaint to the ***ager. He was the most helpful ***ager I have ever seen. He got everything done within hours and post that our stay was pleasant and so wonderful that we also extended for 2 more nights. The entire staff is very accomodating, good to talk to and soft spoken. The food at the restaurant is delicious and they also cater to individual needs. The only drawback is that they are extremely slow. If the cafe is full, do not expect your order to be served for an hour. Morning breakfast times, we would give the order, go to the room.. have a bath and get ready and still the order would not have been prepared.. Coffees and drinks are given in a jiffy.. But nevertheless, they also catered to serve us at late hours by keeping the food ready for us even after the restaurant shut down. Overall, it is a wonderful stay.. There are some hiccups (which all hostels have unless you opt for a 5 star hotel) but the best part is they listen to your grievances and act immediately. A big kudos to Santosh - without his help, we would have been in a terrible soup.. He definitely deserves a raise.. Thank You Santosh for everything!



最高價格JPY 22,724
最低價格JPY 1,775
平均價格(平日)JPY 8,486
平均價格(週末)JPY 7,983


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西隆的景點不少,如果你住在市中心可以先看看Police Bazar,Shillong View Point。


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