正在尋找Inter Expo Center附近的酒店?不妨參考真實旅客的評價。


探索Inter Expo Center附近的熱門酒店


4.2/521 評價


索非亞|距離Inter Expo Center2.43km
嗨,我的名字是彼得,一個來自英格蘭的退休人員。牙科診所(我是一個病人)把我預訂到格萊美,我把它描述成一個商務酒店。我發現接待人員受過很好的教育,有時我懷疑我是客人還是學生!接待處會講一口流利的英語和西班牙語。到保加利亞來的人主要是德國、法國、比利時、意大利、西班牙、希臘和英國的牙科病人。這些病人在治療中途沒有牙齒。廚師們爲沒有牙齒的人(包括我)提供熱土豆、雞湯和麪包或扣籃麪包,考慮到我們無法說話,這真是太棒了。早餐包括酸奶(純的或水果的),可以不嚼而吞下去。我當時在5樓,一間禁止吸菸的雙人房,有電視、淋浴、陽台,衣櫃足夠大,適合整個保加利亞排球隊。迷你吧裏擠滿了啤酒、葡萄酒、汽水、水和小吃,每天都補充。有些日子我的牀單被我無牙的下巴浸透了血....就像希區柯克恐怖片的場景。對管家團隊來說沒問題。我的房間每天都被清潔,用消毒劑。請同情淋浴抽風扇!它很難處理氣味(讓燈開着,讓風扇繼續運轉)肥皂和身體凝膠豐富,毛巾根據要求更換。早餐是餐廳的明星景點。食物的選擇和數量可以養活保加利亞軍隊,留下足夠的剩餘給付費客人!我請廚師斯托揚給我的盤子加熱,因爲煮熟的菜有點冷。在特定的天,斯多揚在客人面前按要求做了一個,米什馬什的煎蛋卷。如果第二天之前要離開,請在餐廳享用野餐早餐07h.,可以選擇水果、酸奶、意大利麪、冷凍肉、牛角包、切片面包。工作人員將爲沒有牙齒的客人制作香蕉和蜂蜜沙冰,他們不能吃熱食(根據外科醫生的命令)。從酒店頂層的天空酒吧可以看到壯觀的山景。食物是基本的,有限的選擇菜單,價格大約4歐元。我經常在Skybar裏比一個5G的SMS服務更快。沙拉是我最喜歡的,經常在簡陋的環境中服務,還有一份帶麪包的鷹嘴豆腐,你應該試試。我覺得這家酒店很安全,大概是因爲我看起來像Dracula。走廊裏每個房間都安裝了煙霧報警器和滅火器。在酒店或週邊地區我從未見過任何犯罪。空調和管道系統都比較吵24/7。外面,馬利諾夫大道是自行車和汽車幫在週末燒橡膠的臨時跑道。我看到一輛保時捷911在9秒內完成了跑道。雙層玻璃窗擋住了拍子,但我喜歡新鮮空氣。過馬路去商場時走下人行道,裏面有各種店鋪,包括一家藥店。Mladost是一個令人愉快的商業和工業區。Lidl超市距離Grami200m,商業中心和地鐵站都在600m.裏面有充足的現金機器在 附近 。



正在搜尋Inter Expo Center附近的酒店?比較房價和評價,找到您的理想酒店。
4.3/549 評價
Until now I had had good experience with MGallery hotels in just about every way so this one, while ok in general, was not brilliant and I think not that welcoming. To get into the car park was not easy as, even though I had asked how to, and we pressed the button a few times, I had to go back to reception as the receptionist had not bothered to respond as she was dealing with a lady who was apparently very tired and really need to check in immediately. I pointed out I was tired too and keen to check in. Imagine sitting outside in the car at a barrier like an ***** - hardly great service. Getting out was similar although it was another member of staff who failed to notice the bell, but that brings us back to that previous receptionist who I think was impatiently rude to him, as he was being trained and clearly not brilliantly. The rooms are ok. The theme seems to be pre-cast concrete. The restaurant was good in terms of food but the staff were not attentive.
4.2/525 評價
索非亞大都會酒店 - Radisson Individuals 旗下成員
4.3/585 評價
Odalar temiz, çalışanların ilgisi güzel Sadece yatmak için değerlendirin.
4.4/512 評價
We stayed with two young children for 4 nights whilst we attended a wedding in Sofia. The hotel is in a quiet location with parking. The staff on arrival are friendly especially George he made us feel very welcome and helped with our luggage. We stayed in the family room. The room was nice big and spacious. It is in need of a few repairs and upgrades. The sofa is dipped in the middle, the corners of the bathroom are grubby, the bath has jets that need gutting and the door to the balcony is hanging off and doesn’t close properly which is a safety concern. Breakfast is simple and not a lot was out although hot food is made at your request and room service is available. The breakfast staff were lovely. A young man called Alex was very impressive, polite and diligent. Such an asset to the company to have staff like Alex. An incident with the cleaner ruined our time here. We returned to our room to get ready for the wedding that we went to Sofia for to find the cleaners had turned the room upside down. They had pulled the sofa out and the larger lady with short hair yelled at us because there were crumbs from our children eating biscuits. She was very rude and refused to leave so that we could get ready. This made us late for the wedding. And it left us feeling unwelcome and uncomfortable. My husband complained. And it was explained to us that they just want us to keep the room tidy. It was tidy there were just a few biscuit crumbs on the sofa and floor. We paid for house keeping and it was unreasonable of the cleaners to expect to clean already clean rooms. The fact that we were shouted out by the cleaner is outrageous. The lady with the short hair is a liability. You cannot shout and be rude to guests over crumbs on the floor and sofa. I don’t want to penalise the rest of the team for one hostile cleaner. The rest of the staff were wonderful, friendly and accommodating. The outside area is beautiful especially at night. Lots of fairy lights. The staff are easy going and there is a play area in the gardens including a huge trampoline. There is a well which is covered so just beware to watch young children. The pool looks nice but is deep and cold. It would have been nice if it was heated but in September it was too cold to enjoy. Food is good and room service was great. Overall it was a comfortable experience and cost effective.
4.1/532 評價
3.7/524 評價





索非亞有451家精品酒店,Trip.com能為您提供最高20%的折扣。當地酒店平均價格大概是446 HKD一晚,索非亞有各種各樣的酒店,定能滿足您對不同旅行的住宿需求。索非亞有12家五星級酒店,平均每晚1093 HKD。索非亞有37家四星級酒店,平均每晚540 HKD。索非亞有102家三星級酒店,平均每晚326 HKD。索非亞有31家二星級酒店,平均每晚229 HKD。索非亞匯聚了眾多知名連鎖酒店,無論您是商務出行還是旅遊入住,都很合適。如若您對旅行住宿比較有要求,在索非亞還是挺容易找到舒適酒店的,像華美達旗下的酒店就很好。喜歡華美達的客人來到這裡,可以選擇該品牌旗下的酒店。索非亞索非亞廣場酒店(Sofia Plaza Hotel)是Trip.com客人最喜歡入住的酒店之一。假若您還有猶豫,Trip.com推薦您入住水晶宮精品酒店(Crystal Palace Boutique Hotel)

索非亞的市中心附近,您能夠方便的遊覽圣禮拜日教堂, Monument Symbol of the City of Sofia, Monument to the Deity All-Holy Sofia。若想與家人度過一個愉快假期,可以到維托沙山一遊。其實到索非亞旅遊,最熱門的景點還有索菲婭國家考古博物館, 索菲亞猶太會堂。










