這正是您要的酒店。多倫多市中心假日酒店 (Holiday Inn Toronto Downtown Centre) 為優秀的購物場所環繞,地理位置十分有緣,距離央街地鐵站 (Yonge Street Subway) 幾步之遙的,可以直接到達多倫多的商業和金融區以及其它主要景點。我們擁有513間豪華客房和套房,為您提供最好的住宿和享受。希望時刻保持連接的旅客可以使用配備無線互聯網接入的9,000多平方英尺舒適的會議空間或酒店的商務中心。在您的客房享受免費上網服務或經過繁忙的一天後,縱容自己一次,在房內用餐或到水療中心放鬆身心。經不住優質服務的誘惑,在我們的餐廳享受了一頓豐盛的美食,或到現代化的酒廊品一杯雞尾酒。您甚至出門在外也可以強身健體,到重新佈置的健身中心鍛鍊或室內温水游泳池放鬆暢遊。無論您的興趣是什麼,入住多倫多市中心假日酒店,是享受多倫多的好方法!
若想要遊覽多倫多,多倫多泛太平洋酒店將會是一個不錯的的住宿之選。著名的景點Graydon Hall Manor、Walking Mobility Clinic和Kidspeech均可步行很短距離到達。從酒店到Greenlife Wellness Clinic遊覽很方便,Hand and Stone Massage and Facial Spa和多倫多植物園也均在附近。酒店為您在客房內配備了國際長途電話、熨衣設備和空調,所有入住的客人均可便捷的使用。電熱水壺和瓶裝水可供使用,便捷的客房設施定能讓您倍感舒適。大堂吧給旅客提供了一個舒適的環境,可供休憩。若是覺得酒店的餐飲無法滿足您挑剔的味蕾,不妨去附近的Sushi Legend(日本料理)、JOEY Don Mills(美國菜)或Lara's Restaurant(清真菜)品嚐下一流的推薦美食。酒店種類繁多的休閑設施能為每一位下榻於此的您創造多元化的休閑空間,這其中包括桑拿浴室和健身室。酒店配備有會議廳,可供旅客使用。24小時開放的前台服務可為您隨時提供訊息,以幫助您探索這個魅力之都。
房間環境非常好,衞生間非常的寬敞,洗手枱枱麪非常大同時衞生間裏有浴缸和淋浴間。酒店周圍景色宜人陽台可以看到遠處dt 的skyline👍酒店的服務也非常好。可能是酒店結構設計問題床的長度比標準king size短一截。唯一讓我不滿意的地方就是酒店會在臨近check out time 的時候打開從未在別的時間打開過的噪音極大的中央空調可能是為了叫醒顧客,同時也會打電話提醒按時check out😭這是我在加拿大酒店從未遇到過的,在我看來挺煩的
訪訪客I want to start by saying how happy I am that the host let us check in an hour earlier since it starts at 5pm instead of the regular 3pm. This is an Airbnb type of place that requires you to put a $450 deposit for a one night stay which I thought it was very high. The location is amazing, walking distance to the CN tower and restaurants.
It is a very cute place except for the cleanliness. The place was DIRTY. We decided to not use the shower because it was full of mold and hair (picture attached), there was hair everywhere! We saw there was a washer and dryer but the washer was full of towels that yet needed to be dry so we decided not to use. There were stains in the bed sheets so we decided to lay some of our own towels on top to sleep. We also decided to not touch the kitchen because the burner was broken and we did not want to cause a fire or something like that. Over all, it was decent for a one night stay but they need to fire the cleaner because I believe it is an easy fix to be a better place to stay.